Chapter 1 The Looking

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-July 5th, 2020, Beijing China-

"Wang Shu pull yourself together." I said to myself.

It's been months and I haven't wrote a single word for my new book. What little money I had is depleting very fast, I'm going to be homeless if I don't do something.

I sighed and went to my book shelf. In total I've written ten books, most weren't that good.

But I grabbed my first book. This was the book that made me become a writer. It was called Empress Wang Su.

Empress Wang Shu was kind of hard to explain partially because I don't really understand it myself.

My whole life I've had these strange dreams. The older I got I realized that these dreams were someones life. So I recorded them and made a book.

I've always felt really connected with this story. Because the boys mother died when he was only eight just like mine did, and I was born a boy but later transitioned like he did. In fact nearly everyone I know only knows me as woman and nothing else. But the weirdest thing is that he has the same name as me. Sometimes I think its my brain just playing tricks on me, but either way. It's odd.

I've seen psychics and they've said it was my past life and I was gifted with the ability to remember it. But that's ridiculous, I don't believe in those things.

I personally think that it's my brains way of coping with my not so great childhood.

Either way that's not important in the slightest bit. That book was popular at one time, but now the hype is dying down and I'm not getting many sales.

I need to either pick another profession, or buck down and work harder.

Just then I heard the door open and I seen it was my roommate Hayoon.

Oddly enough her name was also in my book Empress Wang Shu. But they're nothing alike, the girl in the book was a consort and my roommate is a model.

She smiled and waved to me, "How are you doing? Have you made any progress?"

"You ask that every day, but do you really think I've made any progress?"

She scowled at me, "Don't be so negative. Besides, I think I have an idea."

"Like what?"

She smiled, "My job!"

I sighed to myself, Hayoon is nice and all but her intelligence level isn't very high. "I can't, I'm not a model."

"They take other kind of people as well like singers, dancers, and actors."

"I'm not any of those things either, you're just making me feel worse."

She rolled her eyes, "Dude, really. They are a big entertainment company, are you really saying they don't need writers?"

"I'm saying they don't need that many, besides they've probably hired all that they need."

"Man, I don't get you. It can't hurt to try. Whats the worse that they can say? No? Yea, thats about it."

"If I try will you promise to never ask again?"

She quickly nodded, "Of course."

I hummed in thought, ".....No."

"Dammit you're so annoying Wang Shu. All you have to do is come with me to work tomorrow."

I sighed, "Fine, but I'm not happy about it."

"You're not happy about anything. Just go to sleep, its late."

I rolled my eyes and flopped on the bed. There was only one bed, and it was a studio apartment. I sucked, but we didn't really mind. She knows I'm not into women so we don't give it a second thought. 

For a moment I did smile though. Despite how we talk to each other we love each other, and shes been my motivation for a long time. Without her I wouldn't even be a writer. She's also one of the few people that knows that I was born a boy. I started my transition when I was fourteen. Visibly everyone can see I'm a woman but I haven't had any sort of surgery done, it's honestly too scary. But I don't mind, I like the way I am anyway.

Just then Hayoon laid down too, "Night, Wang Shu."

"Night, Hayoon."

Soon after she turned out the light and I quickly drifted off to sleep.

Like usual I had one of my weird dreams. But at this point they have become normal.

Further down I seen a small walking bridge and standing on it was the most beautiful man. Who is he, I thought. I've never seen him before, is he new?

Behind him stood a row of court ladies. He must be really important. I should probably stop looking at him, but I can't.

But just then the man turned and he was looking right at me. I gasped and turned around, while I aggressively started scrubbing the clothes. In the corner of my eye I seen he was still looking at me. Just stop, I thought.

Eventually the man I was looking at walked away down the path and back into the palace. I let out a breath that I had been holding and I gathered up the clothes.

Suddenly my eyes jolted open and it was now morning. I rubbed my eyes and sighed, "Dammit."

Hayoon rolled over, "Have your dream again?"

I nodded, "Yea, and I'm getting real tired of them."

"I'm try to tell you, dreams have meanings?"

"Really, like I haven't heard that before. What's it supposed to mean then?"

She shrugged, "I don't know, but I'm sure you'll figure it out soon enough."

"Sure thing."

We both got up and she glared at me, "You better dress decent. If you get this job, no more wearing pajamas outside of the apartment."

"Fine. I get it."

I dressed in black skinny jeans, white t-shirt, and a dark blue jacket. I also did my hair and a little makeup.

When I sat down to wait for her she crossed her arms, "Are you ready?"

I nodded, "Yep."

She rolled her eyes, "Really? You're a writer and you're not even bringing any of the things you wrote to show them?"

"Agh, fine but I'm only bringing Empress Wang Shu, because that was my only popular one."

"Whatever, just prepare yourself, these people are very professional and they won't take your crap."

"Eh, can we just go already?"

She shrugged, "Fine, but don't complain to me if you don't get the job."

As she drove us to the agency, I actually started to grow nervous. Especially when I seen the building. Good lord, its huge. Maybe she was right, I should've came more prepared. I could always call it quits and try again tomorrow. Wait, no. If I back out now I'll never come back.

Hayoon chuckled as I just stood there staring at the building, "Are you coming or not?"

I nodded and quickly followed her in.

People were everywhere and they all looked so pretty. I kept my head down so I wouldn't be seen. 

Hayoon went to the front desk and asked them a few questions. She turned to me and smiled, "The boss doesn't have any appointments this morning so he can see you right now."

"Oh, I'm so excited."

She pressed her lips together, "Drop the attitude and talk to the man. Just go in the elevator to the tenth floor. Go right and he's the first door on the left."

"Fine." I followed her directions exactly and when I got to the door I took a deep breath and knocked.

"Come in." said a voice from inside.

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