Chapter 10 The Friend

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That night Kang Xi and I talked some more then eventually went to sleep.

The next morning I woke up wrapped in Kang Xi's arms. He honestly was so sweet. I was about to get up to get ready for work, but the front door open and Hayoon came in.

When she seen me her eyes went wide, "What the hell?"

"I... I can explain."

Kang Xi slowly started to stir awake, "Huh?"

Hayoon glared at him, "What the hell is wrong with you? If someone sees you, you're both fired. You're supposed to be dating me, remember?"

He rolled his eyes, "Well, sorry. Why do you care anyway?"

She scoffed, "I couldn't care less about you, it's Wang Shu I'm worried about. I don't want her in trouble."

Kang Xi rolled out of the bed and grabbed my wrist, "Well rest assured she'll be just fine."

He pulled me out and I sighed, "Did you really have to act like that?"

"She started it."

I nodded, "True, but now she probably hates me."

He chuckled, "She won't hate you."

"And how do you know that?"

"Our memories, remember? You and her stay really good friends."

"Yea... until she died."

He pressed his lips together, "Well you don't have to be so gloomy."

"I don't know man it's kind of hard not to."

He sighed, "Just try."

-Zhao Ren POV-

If they thought I was just going to sit here and accept the fact my engagement was called off, they're crazy.

And not only that, but he was taken by that bitch Hayoon. I've known her for years, I never thought this would happen. It's just like last time, even in our past life she didn't really want to be a consort, but it doesn't matter. She's in my way and if I can't get her out easily I'll have to resort to my old methods.

I just pray the past doesn't repeat itself completely, if Hayoon gets pregnant again I might just die.

-Wang Shu POV-

When we got to work we waited around and Hayoon came soon after. She waited with us and a few minutes later our boss came down to meet us.

He smiled, "I see most of you are here. Hopefully Minjun will be here soon. But until then lets talk about the schedule for today. Hayoon you have you'll have a photoshoot with Kang Xi to publicize your relationship."

Hayoon nodded, "Yes, Sir."

"And Wang Shu you have a photoshoot for a clothing brand that wanted you. Then afterwards you have a scheduled date with Minjun."

I raised an eyebrow, "A scheduled date?"

He nodded, "Yea you just have to hold his hand and have dinner."

I shrugged, "That sounds easy enough."

He clapped his hands together, "Well, then lets get ready. Now there's two cars outside. Wang Shu you take the one on the left, and you two take the one on the right."

We all nodded and went to our cars. When I slipped inside it felt almost awkward being alone. Usually I was with Kang Xi and Minjun, oh well, I guess I have to get used to more of this.

The photoshoot was pretty simple. They set out various sets of clothes and I posed for the pictures. When finished they gave me some of the product to wear. As I was changing one of the staff held out a notebook and a pen. "I'm a big fan of your books. If you don't mind, may I have an autograph."

I smiled and obliged, "Of course."

Wow, that's the first time someone has asked for an autograph in my whole life. It made me think that people actually like me.

When the photoshoot came to close I headed outside and seen Minjun waiting outside. I walked over to him and he smiled when he seen me. "Hey babygirl."

I chuckled, "Hey Minjun."

He opened the car door and gestured for me to get inside, "Ready for our date?"

I nodded and got inside, "Yea lets go."

When he got in the drivers seat he sighed, "Are you okay?"

I smiled, "Of course. It just seems a little weird, you know going on a date and all."

"Why? We've been out before?"

"It's just we were never really that serious though."

He shrugged and started the car, "But we can be serious if you want to."

"I... well..."

He chuckled, "You have feelings for Kang Xi."

I nodded, "Yes, but I still care for you. It's just I'm drawn to him."

"Maybe that's not a good thing."

I thought to myself, he's probably right about that. "But that's just how it is for now."

"I see, so we don't have a chance to be together?"

I shook my head, "I didn't say that."

He smiled, "So I do have chance."

I chuckled, "Well kind of, Kang Xi and I aren't married or anything."

We pulled into the parking lot of a fancy looking restaurant and I got excited, but when I seen people waiting outside holding cameras my excitement fell. I knew this was a fake date and it was just for the public, but I had hoped we would've had a little peace. I suppose not.

Minjun got out and opened my door, he then took my hand and led me inside. I was partially blind by the time I was inside from all the flashing.

I sighed in relief when I didn't see them come inside. I guess they're not allowed to come in just to take pictures.

We were led to our seats and I started looking at the menu. Everything looked so delicious, but I was quickly disheartened when I seen a familiar flashing. I looked out the window and they were still taking pictures. I looked to Minjun, "Haven't they took enough?"

He just sighed, "Just try to ignore it. It's their job, just like this is our job."

I nodded, "I understand."

A couple hours went by and we ate out food and continued to talk.

He took my hand and looked into my eyes, "You look beautiful, you know."

"Are you just doing this for the cameras?" I asked.

"No, I wouldn't lie."

I smiled, "Thank you very much."

"Do you want to go on a real date sometime?"

I hesitated for a moment, but soon I nodded, "Yes, I would love that."

He smiled and led me outside and back to his car. He looked over at me, "How you sounded earlier you still liked Kang Xi. So why'd you agree to a real date?"

I sighed, "Because I like you too, I just need to figure it out. You know."

(A/n: For anyone that reads this, sorry it took me a while to update. I'm working on other stories and emotionally I'm not doing that great. But I'll update as quick as I can, which isn't very quick lol.)

Authoress Wang ShuWhere stories live. Discover now