Chapter 5 The Closet

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I've never slept so well in my life. Damn did Hayoon get new blankets.

Memories slowly started to fade back from yesterday and I realized, I didn't go home last night.

But where did I go? Wait, did I stay at Kang Xi's?

The more I woke up the more confused I got. What's that on my waist? Wait, did Kang Xi sleep here too? Oh God.

Soon I was able to force my eyes open. And I was face to face with Kang Xi.

He woke up to and he smiled, "Good morning."

I nodded, "Good morning, your ma-"

What the hell is wrong with me, I almost said 'your majesty'.

He looked confused, "Hm?"

I shook my head, "It's nothing."

He shrugged, "You know... I know we just met. But I feel like I've known you forever. I don't know why."

Just then everything went black and I had one of my dreams, but this was the first time it's ever happened while I was awake.

As I sat under a tree I thought back to when the emperor told me he would love me in this life, and in the next.

But if our love would be the cause of this, should I really love him in the next life? 

I looked up to the sky, "Please never let me forget this life. I never want to be the cause of this kind of pain again."

When I regained consciousness Kang Xi was shaking me with a panicked look on his face.

"Wang Shu! Wake up!"

"I-I'm awake."

"Oh my god, are you okay! You just passed out."

I quickly nodded, "Yes, don't worry. I probably just need to eat something."

He calmed down a little, but he didn't look completely convinced. "Well, then let's go and get you something to eat."

-Kang Xi POV-

"You know... I know we just met. But I feel like I've known you forever. I don't know why."

When I looked back over to Wang Shu her eyes closed and she fell limp on the bed.

I gasped, "Wang Shu!"

What's wrong, is she sick?

Suddenly the image of Wang Shu flashed in my mind. But something was off, she was dressed in traditional clothing and I've never seen this room before in my life.

When she opened the door and stepped inside she had a nervous look on her face.

"Do you promise to always stay with me?" She asked.

I looked at her a little confused, "Of course, I love you more than anyone."

When I was brought back to reality my eyes went wide, "What the?"

I then seen Wang Shu was still unconscious I started to shake her, "Wang Shu! Wake up!"

When I seen her eyes flutter open relief washed over me.

"I-I'm awake."

I wanted to pull her into a hug, but I didn't want to scare her. "Oh my god, are you okay! You just passed out."

She quickly nodded, "Yes, don't worry. I probably just need to eat something."

I don't believe that for two seconds, but I suppose I should probably leave it alone.

Authoress Wang Shuजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें