Chapter 2 The Job

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When I heard the voice from behind the door telling me to come in, I slowly opened the door and poked my head in.

The room was quite large but it didn't have much in it. Just a desk, and few chairs, and some paintings on the wall.

I sat in the chair across from the man, he was an older gentlemen and he looked really nice which made me feel less nervous.

He smiled over to me, "So I hear you're Hayoons roomate, is that right?"

"Yes sir."

"And you're a writer?"


"Amazing, but why aren't you a model like Hayoon is? You're pretty enough for it."

I chuckled, "Thank you, but I wouldn't enjoy it. Writing is what I love."

"I can respect that. Do you have any pieces that I can have a look at?"

I nodded and pulled my book out of my pocket, "I have other books, but this is my favorite."

His eyes went wide when he seen the cover. "You really wrote this?"

"Yes sir. Is that okay?"

"Okay? It's amazing. I have a copy of it at home and I absolutely love it."

I smiled, "Thank you very much. I appreciate that."

"Well I appreciate you coming here for a job. You are an amazing writer. How did you even get the idea for this book, its so interesting."

I shrugged, "I don't really know, I just always knew."

"Well, I suppose it doesn't matter how. I just want the mind that created it working for me."

I smiled, "Do you really mean it?"

"Of course. But this work is going to be a little different than just writing books, which of course if you want to write one we will support you the whole way. But your job will be mostly journalistic things. You will be assigned three or four of our workers and you get to go with them to social events so you can write about them for this agency."

I nodded, "I think I can do that."

He then opened a drawer in his desk and pulled out some files. "I would let you work with Hayoon but she already has a writer assigned to her. Hmm, I have to think about who I'll chose tonight. But before you leave I need some of your information and I'll make you a badge."

"Okay, what do you need?"

After about ten minutes of him putting my info into his computer the printer kicked on and a small card came out.

He stuck the card in a badge holder and handed it to me. "This will get you inside nearly every room in this building so you can check the place out before you go."

"Thank you, but is there any rooms I'm not aloud to enter?"

"Yes, but if your key can open the door then you can go inside. So you don't have to worry."

I got up and shook his hand, "Well, thank you very much for this opportunity."

"Your welcome, I'll see you tomorrow."

I nodded but just as I put my hand on the door I turned back, "I'm sorry, I didn't get your name, sir."

"My apologies, my name is Go Komyo."

I hesitated, but only for a moment. I remember that name from somewhere. Maybe from TV or something. "Thank you, have a nice day."

When I got back to the elevator I decided to go back to the main floor again. There wasn't as many people out here so I looked at all the doors. Most of the signs were just for random peoples offices. 

I went down a hall and seen a sign that read 'Employee Gym'. Screw that, I thought. Next door said, 'Employee Library'. 

Ooh, I love library's. I scanned my badge on the lock and I was let in. There was no one else here, but I didn't mind I liked the quiet anyway.

I grabbed the book closest to me and flopped down in a chair. I rolled my eyes when I seen it was one of my books. This one was called 'The Lost Princess'. I personally didn't think it was that good so I tossed it to the side.

I then seen some romance book and I took it instead. I personally thought it was silly that I obsess over romance stories, but I won't find love for myself.

About an hour or so went by and the door suddenly opened. A man walked in carrying a small stack of books. He was probably over six foot tall and he was so handsome.

He smiled when he seen me, "Are you new here?"

I quickly nodded, "Yea, I was just hired today."

"Cool are you a model or something?"

I shook my head, "I'm a writer."

"That's even better, smart girls are so hot. But what's your name?"

"Wang Shu, and you?"

"That's a pretty name, oh and I'm Minjun."

My eyes temporarily went wide. I know I remember that name. And its not from tv, its from my book. There was a man named Minjun in my book, and he was a king. "What about you? Are you a singer?"

"Nope, I'm an actor. I have been for about four years now."

I sighed in relief, that's nothing like a King. But why am I getting worried anyway? It's just a book, nothing else. Stop overthinking things, "Wow, that's really cool."

He shrugged, "It's alright. But I'm afraid I've got to go. Can I get your number, and maybe we can hang out really soon?"

I nodded and handed him my phone while he handed me his. When our numbers were exchanged he waved goodbye, "See you later cutie."

When he was out of sight I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, "Damn, if every guy here is that good looking i'm gonna fucking lose it."

The book I was holding suddenly stopped being interesting so I set it down and left.

Back in the main lobby I seen Hayoon talking to someone else. When she seen me she smiled, "How'd it go?"

I raised the badge so she could see, "It went perfectly."

She gasped, "That's amazing! I'm so happy for you."

I shrugged, "I'm actually pretty excited."

"Do you know which people you'll be writing for?"

I shook my head, "No, he said he would tell me tomorrow after he thought about it some."

"That's still awesome though. Lets go and we can have a little celebration."

"Okay, that sounds fun."

Our celebration wasn't really a 'party' it was really just two idiots running around their apartment screaming.

"Oh my god! I'm gonna see so many hot singers and actors!"

Hayoon chuckled, "What if one of them ends up liking you?"

"I wish. That would be amazing!"

She shrugged, "Maybe at first, but dating someone like that really isn't that great. If the dating rumor gets leaked most of their fans will hate you. I don't know why, its pretty damn crazy."

"Please don't ruin the fun, they wouldn't like someone like me anyway. I'm just some nerdy writer to them."

"Don't say that. You are a beautiful woman and you deserve any man you want. Just try not to get to close to those kind of people."

"Fine, I swear I will never try to date one of the celebrities."

She nodded, "Good, now get some rest. You don't wanna be falling asleep on your first day at work."

Authoress Wang ShuOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora