Chapter 12 The Visit

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-Wang Shu POV-

When I felt her pulse a rush if relief washed over me. At least I have some time.

I managed to lift her upon my back and carry her out of the woods.

When I did a hiker seen me and his eyes went wide, "Oh my god, Is she okay?"

I quickly shook my head as tears started to form, "No, she got hurt. Can you please drive me to the hospital."

"Yea, just get in the car."

"Thank you very much."

I laid her down in the back seat and ran to the front passenger seat. And soon the man drove us back into the city.

When we got the hospital he helped me carry the Hayoon into the hospital waiting room.

And when we did the woman at the front desk gasped, "What's wrong?"

"I-I don't know. She went to have lunch with a friend, but I found her in the woods unconscious like this."

She nodded and ran into a room and when she came back, there was a doctor with her. He had a wheelchair and he helped set her down.

The man that drove us here wished us well and left me with her.

The doctor looked up at me, "Are you of any relation to her?"

"No, I'm her roommate. But she doesn't really have any family."

He nodded, "Okay, well then come along."

He pushed her into a nearby room and laid her on a bed.

"So, what all happened?"

I took a deep breath, "She went to have lunch with a friend. I got worried about her so I found her using the trackers on our phone. And this is how I found her, unconscious and laying in the woods."

"Okay, I see. We're going to run some blood tests, but just some advice don't mention her condition to anyone."


"Because if she was attacked you don't want her attacker to know where she is."

I nodded, "I understand."

-Time Skip-

The doctor said it would probably be a little while before they knew anything about Hayoon, so I should probably head home and rest.

It was a little after 8pm so it was starting to get dark out.

When the uber dropped me off I looked up at the apartment building and sighed.

I hope she's going to be okay, I just can't believe Zhao Ren would do something like this. It's so cruel.

I walked up to the building, but I was stopped by a familiar voice.

"Why hello, Wang Shu."

I turned around and seen Zhao Ren standing about ten feet away from me. I forced a quick smile, "Hello Zhao Ren, did you have a good day."

She smirked, "Oh yes, but you don't look so well, why'd you go out barefoot and in only your pajamas?"

"Oh, I was just in a hurry."

She stepped a little closer, "For what... did something bad happen?"

"No, of course not. Someone just told me about this really good hiking trail a few miles from here. I had to go see it for myself." I said sarcastically.

"Really, did you see anything... interesting?"

I shrugged, "Oh you know, just the usual."

She pressed her lips together, obviously angry, "Well, that's lovely. I suppose I'll you at work."

"Yes, see you soon."

She nodded and walked back down the sidewalk and out of sight. I left out a breath I had been holding. Oh my god, she's so fucking terrifying.

-The Next Day-

I woke up in bed and it felt weird to not have Hayoon beside me.

The first thing I did was grab my phone and I called the hospital.

I asked to speak to Hayoons doctor and he was soon put on the line, "Is Hayoon any better?"

The doctor sighed, "There's no improvement, in fact her pulse has only weakened."

My eyes went wide, "What! No, she has to be okay."

"Please stay calm Wang Shu. We're getting the test results in soon. Once we know what's wrong we can properly treat it and hopefully she will be okay."

When he said that my stomach started to feel uneasy so I ran to the washroom and threw up in the toilet.

"Wang Shu, is everything okay. Do I need to send an ambulance?"

I quickly caught my breath, "No, no. Its just my nerves. I'm so stressed out."

"Well, when you come by I still want to run some tests on you too. Just to be safe."

"Okay, thank you."

I hung up and did my best to clean up.

My skin looked a little flushed so I tried to cover it with some makeup.

Quickly I picked out some clothes. I slipped on a white sweater and I grabbed some of my skinny jeans.

I almost had to force them on, but they still fit I just felt a little bloated.

I called an uber and made my way to work. When I got there Kang Xi was just arriving too.

When he seen me, he ran over to me. "Hey, Wang Shu. How are you this morning?"

I shrugged, "I'm okay."

He took my hand and looked at me, "Are you sure? You don't look so good."

"Yea, don't worry. I just didn't get much sleep last night."

"Ah, I see. What about Hayoon, she usually comes with you. Is she okay?"

I hesitated for a moment, "I... yea, she's fine. She just needed to rest."

Authoress Wang ShuOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz