Chapter 1

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© 2012 by MandyVera ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Hi :) So I know the story is completed now, but it would mean a lot to me if you still voted! Thank you :)
I'm also going to start editing it soon so please forgive all my grammatical errors.
This was one of the first fanfics I wrote a couple years ago so like a majority of the chapters make me cringe. My other books are nothing like this one so if you want to check those out as well that would be lovely :)

They're okay." I said, shrugging my shoulders as I continuing to lick my ice cream. Olivia, however, was too preoccupied drooling over her magazine. Magazines to me were pointless. They were just filled with rumors and gossip by people who had nothing better to do than obsess over other people's lives.

"Okay?" Olivia gaped, looking at me as if I had just sprouted another head. "Did you just say that they are just okay? They are flawless creatures." She continued, holding her hand over her heart like I just stabbed her with a knife there. She's gushing over her latest obsession, a band called One Direction. I admit they're cute, and their music is good, but I just wasn't into them on the level that Olivia was.

"I don't hate them, Olivia. I'm just not like 'Oh my gosh, it's One Direction!' Now chill and let me eat my ice cream without you making me deaf in my right ear." I said giving my ice cream another lick, while Olivia huffed next to me.

Harry's POV

"Oh my gosh, it's One Direction!" I heard from across the street and immediately flicked my head to the sound. When I noticed no one running, I got confused. Did I imagine that?

"Well anyways, there's a reason I brought you out here, Harry." Paul said from beside me as we continued to stroll.

"I'm in trouble, aren't I?" I said, not really questioning but more like stating. I've been getting out of line lately and I knew it. I tried to stop it but something just overcame me and I failed at controlling myself. I felt like I could do whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted, just because I was the Harry Styles, but I knew it was wrong. I just couldn't help myself.

"You're letting the fame get to you." He said answering the question that I've been pondering for weeks. Is that what was happening to me?

"Well how we're going to fix that? Send me back home? Put me under a rock for a few months? Ship me off to Madagascar where I might run into zoo animals who have a king Lemur?" he chuckled a bit at my joke but returned to his original facade.

"We're going to get you a girl, Harry." He said so simply that if I was drinking something I probably would have done a spit take.

"What?" I asked surprised. This was the last thing I expected.

"How's a girlfriend going to fix anything? Famous people plus famous people just usually equals more fame getting to the head." I said as if I was some kind of math whiz. He can't just expect a girl to fix everything that was wrong about me. It's absurd.

"Who said she was famous?" Paul said with a smirk.

I stopped walking, and turned to look at him, a question suddenly bothering me. "You're our tour manager, why are you talking to me about this?" I asked in all seriousness.

"Because for some reason everyone else thought I was the only one of the staff who could talk to you, and you would probably listen." This much was true. I felt closer to Paul than most of the other members of our crew. He seemed to care more about me as a person and not as just part of an image.

"Well, who is she?" I asked giving up and just going along with everything. I already sensed there was no way out of this.

We stopped and turned around as he pointed across the street at a pretty brunette, with soft curls that rolled to her mid-back. She was walking with a friend I presume, eating her ice cream as her friend gushed about something. There was something appealing about her, and I knew at that moment that this plan might not be such a bad idea.

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