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selyse moretti

I woke up and I felt not only sore, but dirty. Jack warned me that the sex would mean nothing to him. But I wanted to believe it would make him miss us. Instead, he made it the most transactional sex I've ever had. He couldn't even look at me and used my body then left when he was done with me. Everything in me hurt and it felt like Jack was set on making this all difficult for me. I felt awful about myself and oddly embarrassed. It was Jack's first time seeing my body and he didn't worship it like he used to.

Luckily, Jack was gone when I woke, so I didn't need to see him. After getting ready, I changed into a black bikini and cover up before going downstairs. Kent and Davies were seated at the dining table for breakfast. They both smiled and said good morning. Like before, Jack hadn't put any restrictions on what I could and couldn't do. I was more convinced that it was because he didn't care rather than him trusting me.

I grabbed toast then headed outside with a tote filled with things for the beach. For the time of year, the weather was surprisingly hot. There was no way I wasn't going to take advantage of the beach in my backyard.

It wasn't until I laid on my towel on the beach for a while that Kent decided to come outside. He didn't say anything because one thing that hasn't changed is him waiting for me to start conversations.

"I assume you and Davies are around because it's still dangerous." I could tell he wanted to discuss what was wrong with my mood. But I wanted to speak about something else.

"Now more than ever," Kent said with ease in his voice. Compared to the man he used to be, he no longer seemed awkward. He must've now felt more comfortable in his position. "He has yet to bring over Silas. Instead of complying, he's remained hidden for the most part. Aside from his digs at Jack by killing his men. It's a silent war."

I remember Jack telling me there were four men he had to take over before he could be the only boss in LA. Michael, Aiden and Nico were taken care of while Jack and I were still together. Now there was just Silas.

"Is that apart of why Jack brought me back?" I adjusted my sunglasses before closing my eyes. I laid on my stomach and tied my hair for the sun to fully reach my back.

"Jack doesn't share the logic behind his decisions. No one ever understands why he does things," Kent explained. Jack definitely enjoys moving in silence. Physically and metaphorically. "What I can say is he informed all his men of his marriage to you?"

I opened my eyes and turned my head to look at him. "What?"

"Yeah. Everyone is now aware."

I wasn't sure whether that was made to be a good or bad thing. Jack always made it seem like it was a bad thing. He said until everyone was on his side, no one could know because it was too dangerous. I always wanted people to be aware of our marriage because it meant no more secrets, but for some reason this worried me.

"Does this change anything for Jack and I?"

"It only changes as much as he wants it to change," he gave me some metaphoric answer that I couldn't decipher.

"Enough about me. How have you been? You're no longer quiet," I smirked up at him. He chuckled, carefully kicking around sand. Kent has matured. He now has facial hair and he looks like he grew into his body. His arms fill his shirt and he walks with a lot more confidence.

"It's because I'm no longer bottom of the food chain," he answered with a wink. I gasped.

"You're telling me Jack assigned an inexperienced soldier to watch me?" I knew he didn't have years of experience. But bottom of the food chain?

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