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selyse moretti

"Selyse, you're always late," Amara complained over the phone. My arms felt like they might give out from the number of grocery bags in my hands. The elevator felt oddly slow today, almost like it was testing my arm strength.

"I know. But this time it wasn't my fault. I wanted to buy rotisserie chicken and they were making it fresh so I had to wait," I stepped out of the elevator and rushed down the hall to my apartment door.

"I mean, since you're already late. Do you mind stopping at the liquor store? Alex was supposed to bring Bailey's, but he mysteriously forgot," she complained, before I heard him mumble something in defence. With how much Alex and Amara bicker, I'm convinced it's to steer everyone away from the fact that they're sleeping together.

Amara quickly became my best friend when I moved to Vancouver. I bumped into her at a coffee shop near my apartment. The coffee shop spontaneously closed for the day and we both arrived there at the same time, only to both be disappointed. She recommended another place close by and from there we've been attached to the hip. From the moment I met her, she began hosting these game nights at her apartment. Every week is a new game and it's even more fun because we're all drunk.

I struggled to dig out my apartment key fob as I spoke. "Yes, okay I will. Just don't start without me," I entered my apartment and headed straight to the kitchen to put everything down.

"No promises. I don't know how long I can keep everyone waiting. Tonight is Dutch Blitz and the guys are getting oddly competitive," she said and I groaned, leaving my kitchen to head to my bedroom. I jumped when I looked up, seeing a shadow seated on my couch in the living room. Instead of turning on the lamp, I grabbed it as a weapon.

"Selyse, put the lamp down. It's just me," Jack spoke as if he still wasn't something to fear. Chills travelled along my skin as my breath became unsteady. Just hearing his voice was enough to make me want to fall apart. Even after four eyes, the sight of him made my knees weak.

"You broke into my apartment, so I don't know how comfortable I feel doing that," I argued before he turned the living room light on.

My grip on the lamp tightened as I took in all his features. While Jack has always been attractive, time was in his favour. His hair was wavier and the weather in LA must've been good because despite coming out of winter, his skin was golden. His lips remained full and his eyes remained their hypnotic green. But the subtle creases at his eyes and forehead revealed that time had passed. He was letting his beard grow into a short, well maintained goatee and fuck. I've never been one for beards, but he looked sexy. He was approaching the end of his twenties and he was aging like fine wine.

I knew he would come back for me. He explicitly stated he would eventually come get me. The first year, I was prepared for him to pop out of nowhere to collect me. Then the second year went by and he slowly became something I didn't think about everyday, but instead once a week. By the third and fourth year, I was convinced I would never see him again.

"One, technically I didn't break in because I own the building. And two, let us not forget why you have this apartment." The harshness in his voice told me he wasn't happy about being here. So why was he here?

With a sigh, I put the lamp down. "Thank you. I needed that reminder," I sarcastically muttered under my breath. In reality, I really did need to reminder. Everything with Jack felt like a lifetime ago and part of me convinced myself that it never happened. But me not having to pay rent did serve as a reminder.

I finished university and pretended like my life all along was normal. I so badly wanted to blend in with the girls I went to school with. They made me forget everything that I had been through. I graduated and found a really good job and got a boyfriend. Living on my own was scary at first. There was a constant fear that I would turn around Jack would be there. But I eventually convinced myself that he didn't care enough about me to come back. My life was the most normal it had felt since my father passed. Or since I thought he passed.

"Selyse, who the hell are you talking to?" A faint voice sounded from my phone.

"Tell your friend you won't be making it to her weekly festivity," Jack put a hand in his pocket. If it was anyone else, they wouldn't have noticed it slightly shaking before he shoved it in his pocket. He's nervous.

It shouldn't surprise me that he knew about her weekly Friday Funday event. But it did. I knew he was keeping tabs on me, but not something as little as game night.

"I...I can't make it, Mara. I'll text you," I said and with her protests on the other end of the line, I hung up.

"You look good," his eyes scanned me and my cheeks suddenly flushed with heat. I knew better than to read into his words. He was just making an observation that had nothing to do with his feelings towards me because I know anything he felt for me is gone.

"So you'," I stated facts. My heart was beating so hard that I could hear and feel it. All these emotions I hadn't felt in years were flooding back. I hadn't felt this weak in a while.

Jack looked good and it felt wrong for me to think that, but it was true. His dark blue suit hugged his body, showcasing the muscles that rested underneath. The sleeves were tight and the watch on his wrist revealed that he's been doing good. He's been taking care of himself. His hair was nicely cut and faded into his trimmed beard.

His eyes scanned me up and down with nothing but lust. Slowly, his fingers went along my jaw before he held onto my neck. Bringing his head close, his nose brushed along my jaw. I couldn't move. My body was choosing to completely give out and allow him to use me.

"Tell me you miss me. Tell me that you miss me touching you like this," he seductively whispered into my ear. My brain was scrambled.

I shook my head, pulling my head from his grip. This felt unfair. It's one thing for him to show up like the grim reaper. But for him to say something like that felt like he wanted flustered.

As much as he was hurt by my actions, our break up broke my heart. I couldn't get out of bed for weeks. I didn't eat or sleep. My feelings for him never even fully went away. They were just buried under everything I distracted myself with. For him to come here and ask me to tell him how much I missed him felt way out of line.

"You're being cruel," I walked away from him to look out the window.

"You sound ungrateful for the freedom I've given you. But I expected no less from you," he spoke at the right words to dig at me. Four years went by, but what happened clearly still affected the both of us.

"Am I allowed to say goodbye to my friends?" And boyfriend who I'm sure you're aware of. Jack remained silent like he was thinking. "Please," I turned to look at him. He stayed looking at me, almost like he could see right through me.

"Would doing so make this easier for you? Is it important to you?" He genuinely asked, giving me the impression that he cares. Maybe he was bringing me back because he was finally ready to fix things. I've moved on with my life, but Jack will always be my first love. Deep down, I would always be open to fixing our relationship.


"Then no. You have ten minutes to pack your things then we're leaving."

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