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jack moretti

Stepping out of the vehicle, I buttoned my suit jacket. Frustration was written all over my face and there was no hiding my irritation. I don't normally work late. I leave that to Michael who is still fully indulged in the nightlife despite his marriage. I put that life behind me. I spent four years consuming myself in liquor and partying while Selyse was gone. That was all to fill the void of Selyse and now that she's back, partying and overindulging in alcohol felt unnecessary.

The club doors opened, greeting Michael, Aiden and I with loud music. The duration of my day had already been consumed by work and I was more than ready to go home. Today was busier than usual because of the time I've been spending at home caring for Selyse.

She seems almost scared to leave the house, even if it's just going outside for some fresh air. Thankfully, she gets out of bed and ventures around the house. Her bruises and markings have gone down. With everything she's gone through, leaving her home alone felt wrong. However, she practically forced me to work today after we made a deal. I would go to work if she sat outside by the pool for at least an hour. From what Davies told me, she ate her lunch outside while on the phone with her friend Amara.

"Moretti," Ernesto greeted me at the entrance before greeting Aiden and Michael then giving us a run down of why we were here. "There was an incident in the private rooms," he spoke over the music. I wish he had gone into detail over the phone so I could've decided for myself whether I needed to be here for this or not. But if he's making me come, it must be something of importance.

As soon as you enter, you're on the balcony looking down at the dance floor below. It was full the lounges on the sides that were occupied. We turned left, going away from the balcony to a door that had two men guarding it. He nodded, letting us through before it we were in a long hall. The door shut behind us and it was now silent. Ernesto led us to my office where a man in a suit was seated. I recognized him—Charlie. He's a regular at the club and spends heaps of money here on particular services. He's an older gentleman and I knew why we were here. He's caused trouble in the past, but we normally let it go.

"He was with Natalia," Ernesto began and quickly read my confused face. I try to make it a habit to familiarize myself with the names of all the girls who work at my clubs. But I quite frankly had no idea who that was. "She's one of the three new girls. Tonight was her first night and he requested her."

My club usually doesn't get new girls. We have eight girls who work the private suites and they're very liked amongst our men. But the three new girls came to me desperate for work. I was hesitant—they're Silas' girls and Aiden and Michael were completely against it. But I know Silas' conditions. They're terrible and he doesn't take care of his girls. They were desperate and I couldn't turn them away. Even then, I knew the risks. If Silas found out that I took three of his girls away, it would only escalate the growing tension.

"The bitch hit me," Charlie spoke up as he stood to his feet. If it were anyone else, I would have immediately believed his words. But seeing as this wasn't the first time Charlie had caused problems, he had now lost all his credibility.

I glanced at the woman who entered the office, recognizing her as Michael's whore. Aiden chuckled, shaking his head while he went to the bar in my office. Michael sighed, taking a seat on the couch. With him was his mistress who fell onto her knees in front of him. I forced myself to look away. "Where is she?" I questioned.

"Where is she? The bitch better be getting fucking punished for her actions and if you won't do it, I will. And you better not expect me to pay. Except if you plan on giving me another girl," Charlie complained. I closed my eyes, pinching the bridge of my nose while instructing Ernesto to get her.

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