twenty eight

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selyse moretti

My heart had never felt so heavy. Now that Silas was out of the picture, it was funeral, after funeral, after funeral. Jack and I couldn't leave for vacation until he attended all of them.

Jack lost a lot of men and he showed his respect by going to every single one of their funerals. As his wife, I should've been doing the same. But I couldn't and he was understanding. It started with Michael's funeral. The strong Hailey that was previously there was nowhere in sight. She was a mess and had every right to be. The funeral was big. Michael had a lot of family. I wasn't going to allow Hailey to go through it alone so I was beside her the entire way.

Who we didn't expect to see was his mistress—the whore he had been fucking who knows how long. I noticed her during the service but kept it between Jack and I. I didn't even need to tell Hailey because she saw her after and exploded. It caused a scene and no one judged because not only had Hailey lost Michael but she had lost the baby too. Right before her fingers, all remnants of her and Michael's relationship had disappeared. As if things couldn't get any worse, the girl spoke up and said, "I'm pregnant and it's Michael's baby."

I squeezed Jack's arm that I held onto before looking up at him. His face was good at hiding what goes on in his head. I almost thought he didn't understand my silent communication. But when his hand dipped down to brush along my stomach, I knew this was news to him too.

"That's not true. You're a whore and you were fucking many men. Michael is careful," Hailey defended her husband. Red flushed the girl's face from embarrassment.

"I loved him. I know that may be hard to hear, but he loved me too. He-"

A hard slap went across her face by Hailey. I held back my gasp as my body stiffened. "You will not disrespect my husband and I's marriage by claiming some false narrative. I don't know whose baby that is, but it doesn't belong to my husband and he sure as hell didn't love you. Now if you'd excuse me," Hailey's heels clicked away as she left the foyer of the church. She was in shock. It didn't seem fair that this girl could be pregnant with Michael's child while Hailey had lost her baby with him. But I believed the baby was Michael's. She may have only been his mistress, but I felt like she wouldn't show up here with all his family and friends unless she had to.

"Yikes," Aiden muttered, turning his attention to Chloe and the little boy who stood with them. Jack had told me he was Davies' nephew who Chloe and Aiden would be taking care of. I had spoke to Chloe's about it briefly, to which she stated she was only doing it to make Aiden happy. But the way she knelt down to hug and kiss Romeo's cheek the entire duration of Davies' funeral told me that she definitely cared for the kid.

Kent's funeral is the one that took its toll on me. Davies' funeral was an emotional rollercoaster for me as well, but something about Kent's was different. I had truly gotten to know him. He was a best friend to me. Jack didn't like it, but it was inevitable that we would develop a friendship. And we did. He was killed because he was doing his job of protecting me and for that, I'll never be able to get over.

The weather wasn't on our side and rainfall poured down on us during the service. I stood under an umbrella with Jack, his arm being wrapped around my waist. He would occasionally use his thumb to rub my waist, a silent reminder that everything was going to be alright.

After glancing to my side, I noticed a woman standing on her own under an umbrella. She was ahead of us and no one stood near her, almost like they were afraid to console her. Her eyes were red and swollen. A scarf was wrapped around her head, hiding the fact that she lacked hair. It's his mother.

Releasing myself from Jack's grip, I walked through the rain to stand beside her under the umbrella. I was abnormally close to this stranger but she didn't seem to mind. My arm went around her shoulder and her head fell onto me. We didn't talk. We listened to the remainder of the service and I powered through the tears falling down my face and ruining my makeup that I put on in attempt to make myself look presentable.

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