he walked down to the hallway as he waited for the tall player to come out. the last time iwaizumi saw that blank expression was when sorashi lost in his last match as a second year. he even did crazy things after that, such as going overseas just to practice volleyball. sorashi has lost his mind, is what iwaizumi thought back then when he received a selfie from sorashi.

iwaizumi spotted the dual colour haired male among the swarm of people. his face expressionless as ever but slightly showing a distaste. he made his way to the tall player with a frown clearly shown on his face. the hell?! i felt like another kid aside seijoh, iwaizumi thought.

sorashi slumped himself down as he leaned on the wall. everything seems blurry and his head felt like being hammered by a big rock, he is lucky he can finish the match without fainting midmatch. sora closed his eyes and focuses on the cold feeling of the wall.

inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, inhale, exha--

"sora." a manly voice called from in front of him.

sorashi lifted his head slightly and squinted his eyes. the lights are making him super dizzy and the sound of people chattering around him is making his mind hazy. sora saw a very famliar shoes in front of him. he immediately lifted his head fully up to face his friend.

sorashi flinched by his sudden movement (which making his headache worsen), "hello hajime."

"don't lose your mind sorashi." hajime shook his head and put his hands in his jacket's pockets. "no one will leave you behind, we will always be beside you."

"are you asking me to marry you? because why not, let's marr--"

"sOrA nO! i--"

"--forget about tooru, marry me instead, hajime!"

"sora!" daichi slapped the back of the dual coloured hair man's back.

iwaizumi and daichi shared a look and nodded at each other. dads unite.

"but did'ya see when i slapped that ball back to those farm bois?!" sora eyes sparkled in excitement.

"is sora-san always like that?" yamaguchi asked in disbelief.

the coolest player of the team is actually just an upgraded version of oikawa tooru smh.

"en." kageyama nodded affirmed yamaguchi's question. he also added, "he was way more clingy back then."

"is he always that flirtatious?" yachi shivered.

"ne, haji-chan is a hotshot how can i not flirt with him--"


"ittai!" sora wailed with a pout.

"stop that, idiot, no one wanted to see that,"

"you are so mean, haji-chan."

ah, oikawa tooru v2.0 indeed. the team thought as he saw sora clings to iwaizumi side.

i mean bro, who doesn't want to cling to iwaizumi hajime's strong arm?

"praise me, haji-chan~~" sorashi whined.

"stop that, now." iwaizumi glared at his fellow friend with much sterness.

sora almost immediately release his grip on iwaizumi's side. he straighten his back and gulped his saliva, eyes widen in fear.

"wow, dachi, i never saw him obey you like this," suga commented.

"maybe you need to learn from him," ennoshita pipped.

"the one who needs to learn from him is you ennoshita, you'll be leading this mess after me." daichi smiled sinisterly.

ennoshita shivered when the thought dawned upon him.

"but really, haji-chan, how was that thing i did back in the court?" sora asked in his normal demeanor.

"you are reckless, too reckless,"

"but that was efficient, right?"

"it was, but you were too confident! who the hell did that? smashing the ball back from straight from ushijima's spike? are you insane?!" iwaizumi shook his head in disapproval.

"i saw everyone's form is crumbling and so did i. i barely could run and jump, how the hell should i counter attack that?!"

"but you didn't have to run to a wall and did a crazy stunt like that!"

sora scoffed, "i used the wall as my jumpin pedestal to smashed it back with enough force to score!"

"is2g, i will make tooru stop talking nonsense to you so you won't be as insane as he is." iwaizumi rolled his eyes in annoyance.

sorashi chuckled. he stood up, easily towering iwaizumi. "now now haji-chan, did you take my offer?"

iwaizumi cocked his head slightly to the side. "what offer?" face slightly flushed in red but he still stood his ground.

sorashi leaned down slightly and put his two arms beside iwaizumi's head (kind of like kabe-don.) sora whispered to iwaizumi's ear, "about marrying me~"

"oh our lord and saviour, how to see without my eyes," asahi screeched.

the second years face are scarlett red. while ennoshita screamed, "this is a normal occurence this is a normal occurence this is a norm--"

daichi and suga only facepalmed. they are glad that sorashi has changed from a passive ambitious heavy sleeper to a very clever player. but this shit, they didn't sign up to be embarassed like this.

"oi, sorashi, stop that!" daichi shouted but the said man didn't bother to hear his captain at all.

kageyama glared iwaizumi with so much intensity that the other first years stepped away from him.

"pft, is the king jealous?" tsukishima snickered.

"why should he be jealous, he doesn't have any special bond with sora-san, right?" hinata stared at tsukishima.

"ppft, yeah right." tsukishima replied with the biggest grin ever.

"shut up!"

meanwhile the two third years still stuck at that position. iwaizumi only sighed, knowing he has already been overpowered by his friend and there are no way that he could escape sorashi right now.

sorashi put his head to iwa's shoulder. iwaizumi patted his back soothingly. "look, whatever happened in the court stayed in the court,"

"i know, i know."

they stayed in a comfortable silent for a minute before iwaizumi broke the silence with an annoyed tone, "now let me go you, idiot, you are making a scene,"


sorashi released iwaizumi with a side smile.

"stop that, you are really looks like oikawa."

sorashi rolled his eyes. "whatever, shoo shoo go away."

iwaizumi shook his head and sighed (again). "well, i'm going now, please take care of yourself better."

sorashi nodded while gesturing iwaizumi to leave.

i'm sorry hajime, but it might be too late.


a/n: so i have gone for a month and only could bring y'all this. smh im disappointed in myself. i was too occupied by mdzs and school so i couldn't write a chapter as fast as i was.

btw this is actually a 5k beast but then i deleted it all since it was too triggering for some people and decided to publish the (crazily edited and basically i wrote a whole new chapter) other version. thank you for your patience, i'll try my best to write better in the incoming chapters.

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