[6] Considered Friends

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S3 Ep: 8 "Homecoming"

After yesterday's night with Elena badgering Rebekah for information on her father and the rest of her family, Isabella stayed the night at the boarding house beside Rebekah cheering her up

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After yesterday's night with Elena badgering Rebekah for information on her father and the rest of her family, Isabella stayed the night at the boarding house beside Rebekah cheering her up. While digging up old memories wasn't enough for her, Elena also hounded Rebekah with the revelation that Klaus was the one to kill her mother and not her father. Bella remained with Rebekah most of the day including when the gang was making a plan to kill Klaus at Homecoming, something neither of the blondes appreciated.

After getting ready together Isabella left with Caroline to go to the school and check on the gym to make sure everything was as it should be. Instead the two girls found the gym had flooded and were lost on what to do until Tyler said he would fix it which resulted in the dance being moved to his house. Caroline, Bonnie and Isabella walked side by side out onto the back patio of the Lockwood mansion and looked over the crowd of people and the rock band playing in the garden. "How did he plan a better party than me so fast? What? Is that a band outside?" Isabella looked around at all the different people and realized that many were unfamiliar.

"Who are all these people?" Bonnie asked skeptically. "This is weird! Where is Tyler?" Caroline walked off to find her boyfriend which left the two witches alone. "I don't think these are regular people, Bon. ." Isabella started with a nervous tone equalling Bonnie's expression. "Hybrids." Bonnie concluded and the blonde nodded in agreement. The two were distracted by the loud cheers of the crowd as Klaus climbed up onto the stage. "Good evening everyone! I wanna thank you for being here with me to celebrate! It's been a long time coming!" Klaus jumped down from the stage and Isabella made her way towards him.

"I know about Kol." Bella quickly blurted out when she was close enough, to get Klaus's attention. Klaus turned around and looked at the Australian beauty with a smirk of knowing something she didn't. "What exactly do you know, love?" Bella sighed frustratedly. "I know he's your brother. What I don't know is why he is daggered in a box and why. . .i'm having dreams of him." Klaus chuckled. "Ah, so they have started." Bella frowned in confusion. "What started? What do you know that I don't?" Klaus tilted his head in mock thought. "It's quite fun to see you pout so I think I will leave it to you to find out." Isabella groaned and glared at the Original and watched as he turned around about to walk away before she called out to him again.

"Wait, Klaus!" Klaus turned around at her call with risen brows but a grin nonetheless. Isabella debated on betraying her friends to save the life of her dream guy's brother. The blonde sighed and shut her eyes with pursed lips before deciding to tell him. "They're trying to kill you. Don't believe them. . .any of them." Bella turned around to leave him to his thoughts but Klaus instantly grabbed her wrist gently pulling her to a stop. "Why would you tell me that, and risk losing your friends? Why would do that for me?" Bella looked him directly in the eyes and shrugged. "I never said I was doing it for you."

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