chapter 8:

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Percy's POV:

It had been week since the funeral of Jason grace . I hadn't seen nico since then. I know nico was friends with jason . I got kind of jealous at the funeral. Why doenst nico come to me for advice? I mean what's so special about jason. I mean I was the one who took him to the hospital . I was the one who saved him from those bullies. Why doesn't he cometalk to me?

_-----_-_---------------_-_-_-----------_--_-_-------_--_-----------------------_-_-_---_------_--------_-nico's POV:

I'm doomed. Why did jason have to die. I need him. Now i have no one to give me advice. I don't know what to do. I'm lost. Its hopeless I may as well give up. I have no one to go to r advice and I sure as not telling anyone else that I like Percy.


Percy's POV:
I wake up to a knocking at my door.
I scramble out of bed and run to the door. Last night my mom told me she was going to the grocery store in the morning, so she's not home.

I look through the peep hole and see it's nico. shit I look terrible. I open the door. " come in and hold on one minute."
I quickly run to the bathroom and brush my teeth real fast. Then I notice I'm not wearing a shirt and throw one on. I walk out of my room to go see nico and pat my hair down on the way there.
OMG nico looks so cute with all his black clothing on. it's like he's "trying" to be goth. Aw.
He's still standing where he came in, right in front of the door.
"Hey." I say 'trying' to be cool. I failed. it came out more like "h-he-ey". good going I mutter to myself.
"Hey can I come in" nico said. wait was that a blush. probably not. I'm probably just imagining things.

Sorry for the short chapters lately it's just I want to write but then I get into it and then I don't feel like doing it anymore but u guys probably don't care about that so ya
In my previous chapter I said I would mention some names so
These peeps are awesome :
So ya follow them cause they're cool
Also I need some help with my plot so if u have any ideas comment them here
Or message me my usernames taylorcece48 I would love to here your guys opinions
Question of the day
What's your favorite band?
Answer: fall out boy!!! Love you all

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