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A/n hey my little mystery friends I just wanted to say thx for all the reads I love u all percico is bae so ya let's go
Percy POV:
I was so glad nico forgot his jacket now I have an excuse to walk up to him tomorrow.
[wibbly wobbly timey skipz]
Next day at school:
I was sitting in English class bored out of my mind. This class is so hard for me because of my dyslexia. there was only two minutes left of class till lunch where I get to see nico and give him his jacket. my friend Frank is in this class with me so we usually just pass notes. frank is from canada but his grandparents are Chinese so he's both. frank is also on the football team. just between you and me I think he has a crush on hazel, nicos sister.
The bell finally rung and I bolted out of the class. I saw nico down the hall but didn't walk up to him yet. The jacket was still in my locker. I grabbed the jacket and ran up to him. it looked like he was going to ditch. I didn't want to get caught but nico was just too irresistible. I quickly caught up to him and tapped his back. he jumped about two feet.
"Sorry didn't mean to scare you."
he just nodded his head and kept walking. we walked for about five more minutes in silence till we reached an area in the woods. nico went and sat down on a big rock then finally spoke.
" So why did u follow me"
"Oh um... You left your jacket at my house last night." I said staring at his beautiful face.
I sat down next to him on the rock waiting for him to say something. he just sat there staring out in the distance.
" So why do you ditch?" It was a stupid question but I wanted to see if he would say anything.
" Nosy much aren't we." nico said with a smirk on his face.
"No seriously though."
" I don't know I just like this spot it helps me think and it's nice to just get away from everything at school."
Dam he's so cute. "Neeks..."
"Don't call me that"
"Sorry but why did you leave yesterday in such a hurry. we were having a good time right I didn't do anything did I?" Great now I probably sound clingy.
Nico's POV :
I did have a reason for leaving yesterday but I didn't know if I should trust him. what if he hates me? What if he beats me up like the other kids? I don't want him to hate me but I can't lie to him.
"Can I trust you?"
"Till the end"
Here it goes. " Don'thatemebutimgay"
" Don't hate me but... I'm gay." I said looking away from his face.
Percy's POV:
Yes I can't believe it nicos gay I might actually have a chance I can't believe this is happening.
"Nico look at me" I said.
he slowly looked up tears in his eyes. My poor nico I can't stand to see him like this. I put my hand up to his face and wipe away his tears.
"Nico you don't have to be upset"
"Why not" he said holding back more tears.
"Because this." I said with confidence.
And then I leaned forward and kissed his beautiful pink lips.
OMG look what just happened the feels like percico forever yay. I know you all were waiting for this as much as I was.
Okay so I got a twitter yay if you want it it is @taylorcece48
Question: when is your birthday
Answer: mine is April 8th
Yay spring
So ya
Love ya all my little mystery friends
Till the next chapter

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