Chapter 5

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Hey guys sorry it took so long to update I've been busy but i mean nobody probably reads this anyway.
If anyone does read this you should follow TROYLERwaffles and wolf ice420 they are awesome so yeah have fun and please comment to me k thx

Percy's POV
When I got home I couldn't stop thinking about nico. even though I just got out of relationship and should be heartbroken I'm not , sure at first I was but something changed. nico was just adorable but am I even gay. wouldn't that make me bi if I was though. I don't
know all I know is I feel something special for nico and that's all I care about.
I fell asleep thinking about nico. I dreamt about him too.
Nico and I were at his house and went to the kitchen and saw hazel. She was fangirl ing over how cute we were together and saying how her otp whatever that means. then nico kissed me right on the lips but in the dream it felt like it wasn't the first time we did that.
I woke up from the dream longing for more. Wait what nico probably isn't even gay. Even if he was why would he like me? He probably thinks I'm annoying after I just randomly showed up at his house.
I wish it was real though. it was almost like we were actually kissing. I could feel it but I know it wasn't real and will probably never happen.
What is this boy doing to me?
Nicos POV
I couldn't stop thinking about percy. he was just so perfect. he was literally given the nickname perfect percy.
I had an amazing dream last night.
I was at my house with percy and hazel was there and she was fangirl ing over us about how adorable we were together and then I do something I never thought I would do I kiss percy right on the lips. we made out for like 5 minutes then broke apart and I woke up from my dream.
Wow. That was.... amazing. Wait, it will never happen percy is as straight as the Fucking straightest pole there is.[excuse my language]
Even if I did kiss him he would probably run away or hate me and never talk to me again.
I miss the dream though I crave it, but I can't and I hate myself for liking it.
It's just one more reason for people to hate me. even though it's the middle of the night I start playing some music on my phone. I put it on shuffle and the first song this comes up is centuries by fall out boy.[who's with me]
Before I knew it I was sound asleep.

So sorry it was short guys but u know I'm kinda in a writing slump. I just did a play in front of the school😬 called "why Christmas?"
Question: who's seeing mockingjay or gonna see it cause I'm seeing it today oh yeah! Hope its good.

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