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Nico's POV

Percy led me into his house. it wasn't very big but it was comfy. We walked up the stairs to his room. not that I'm OCD or anything but when I walked to his room I straightened a picture on the wall.
Percy's room was a light blue. there were waves painted on the wall. it was almost like u were looking out to the ocean. in the middle of his room is a full size bed with green sheets and a blue comforter. his room smelled like sea salt, just like him.
I put my jacket on the chair to his desk in his room.
"So what do u think?" percy asked.
"I like it. it's cozy."
Percy sat on his bed then patted the spot next to him for me to sit.
"So u want to play a game?"percy asked while yawning.
"Umm sure." I replied not sure what he had in mind.
"How about truth or dare, I'll go first truth or dare?"
"I dare u to prank call Leo."
"Okay" I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and called him. I made sure to do the thing where they can't see who's calling.
"Hey this is the super sized mcshizzle what do u need."
"Hello sir r u home."I made sure to say in a deep voice.
"Not at the moment why"
" This is the fire department your house is on fire u need to come immediately. " I can see percy laughing across the room.
Apparently Leo was on a date cause I heard him say to someone." sorry babe I have to cancel our date early my house is fire!!"
i quickly replied to him " hey, dude u just got pranked. bye" and I hung up.

Percy walked over to me and said " I can't believe he thought it was real."
"Okay my turn truth or dare?"
"Hmmm... truth"
" Who was the first person u ever dated?"
"Well her name was Annabeth and we dated for like six years but I decided I liked different things.[if you know what I mean] so she's dating this guy named luke now so ya."
Percy and I kept playing truth or dare for a while longer. there was some crazy dares. one time percy got his moms makeup bag and put makeup all over my face. it was going great till this one question.
"Nico truth or dare?"
"Okay who do you like?"
" Umm it's getting late I should probably be heading out now this was fun."
" But it's only like 1:00pm." He said all pouty.
" Bye perce." and then I walked out the door totally forgetting all about my jacket.

Hey all my amazing readers I'm almost at 1000 reads yay. I didn't think my sucky book would get this far.
Love ya all

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