Chapter 7

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No ones POV :
It had been a week since Jason Grace's death. All his friends had been helping prepare for his funeral all week.
School had been cancelled for the week so everyone could mourn over the loss.

Nico was a mess. he didn't know what to do because Jason was the only one who knew about his feelings towards percy. Jason was the only one who could give nico advice and now Jason was gone.
Today is the day of the funeral. percy had been asked to give a speech in remembrance of Jason. Percy hadn't planned anything but he still winged it.

Percy's POV:
I walked up to the stand. there was a big crowd of kids because Jason was pretty popular at school. I'm so nervous that my hands are shaking. I clear my throat and begin.
" when they asked me to do this I spent hours thinking of what to say. I finally gave up and decided u know what I'm just gonna wing it. so here we go.
Jason was an asshole"
" ... But even though he was we still loved him like a brother. he was my friend and I'm sad to say that butt cancer defeated him. sometimes though you have to look at all the bad things that happen in life and say something good must come out of this. the bad things remind us that we have something to look hope for and that is the good. Jason would have wanted to not sit here and cry but to go out and party in remembrance of him. so don't cry because he his dead, rejoice in the wonderful life he had."
I walked back to my seat next to nico. he whispers to me as I sit down" nice speech seaweed brain."
"Thx" I mumble back.
He then gets up and walks to the podium.
" I wasn't chosen to speak but I was wondering if I could say something? Jason wasn't just an idiot. he actually gave some good advice. he helped me through hard times and I will never forget him. I wish he could be here so I could say thanks to him. rest in peace Jason and thank u for everything"
He finally finished and walked back down to his seat next to me.
He was so cute with his little speech. seriously I'm at a funeral and I'm still thinking about how cute nico is. there is something wrong with me.

[Time skipz]
Since I'm kinda strong I helped carry Jason's casket outside. they decided to burry him in one of those buildings outside instead of the ground.
Piper bought some flowers and put them in the flower holder outside the wall.
There was a little plaque that said
In memory Jason grace and underneath said his birth and death.
Man was he going to be missed.

Sorry it was kinda crapppy but I'm not a very good writer. I just wanted to say merry late Christmas I wrote an A/n note on the book saying merry Christmas but it got deleted. oh well.
First off who is sad that Jason died?
Second any thoughts on Percy's speech?
Third the first person to comment
Gets there name mentioned in the next chapter.
I know this is kinda desperate but if u r reading this and u don't follow me please feel free to follow me and don't forget to comment and vote on my book.
Love u all

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