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Yuri was sitting on her favorite place of the house. The window panel. She stared out into the tree line in other side of the road. Her mind running aimlessly from Yoongi to Jisoo to her parents and back to Yoongi. She promised to tell her parents today. At least she could build up the courage to tell her mom that would be enough. But the problem was her reaction. She knew her mother well. She is not an understanding person. Not even a bit. She hates to admit the littlest mistakes. How will she wrap her mind around the fact that her daughter cut? She wouldn't. That's for sure. She let out a sigh looking at her phone. It was opened to the chat with Yoongi and there was a single message she still didn't reply and left on read.

'Did you tell them yet?' she squeezed her eyes shut till her head hurt. This thinking got the best of her and she was tired.
'Let's get this over with'


I walked into the kitchen where my mother was cleaning dishes. I still don't know how to say this but I have to do it somehow.

"Eomma, let me help you" I said startling her a bit.

"What did I tell you about sneaking up to me? Are you trying to kill me with a heart attack" she said angrily? Well, I didn't do it on purpose but this happens most of the time. Can't they see I didn't mean it. But I knew better than to justify it.

"Sorry" I mumbled and went to the sink starting to wash dishes. I tried to turn my wrist up so she can see my wounds which were clear like daylight. But somehow she missed them. No matter how close I get or how hard I try to show them she didn't even take a glance. There goes my plan A. Now I have no other choice left but to tell her straightly.

"Can I talk to you?" I asked in a low voice.

"Hmm" she hummed still focused on the dishes.

"I um I think I have depression" I cringed at my own words. This will not go well. She dropped the plate she was rubbing to the sink and turn to look at me.

"What kind of nonsense is that? Who give you ideas like that?" She asked raising her voice. I took a step back getting scared.

"Listen to me please. No one told me anything about that. I feel like cutting whenever I go through a hard time and.." I started but she cut me off.

"You are still too young to decide things like that! I told you not to watch your stupid dramas and songs. Throw everything away! They are ruining your head. Stop hanging out with your weird friend." She kept yelling at my face without even listening to me. I felt my eyes stings and Tears forming in them.

" It's not about any of that! "I yelled back feeling anger rise in me." Look at this! Do you think I would do something like this just for things like that! "I showed her my wrist which had a big cut and few thin line on it.

" Don't be stupid! If I saw you doing that one more time, I'm kicking you out of this house" she said storming out of the kitchen. I stood there not knowing what to do. Is this really fake? Am I really just acting?

Yoongi snapped his finger in front of my face taking me out of my thoughts. He had a worried look in his face.

"What's wrong? You kept spacing out whole day. Are you alright?" he asked. I nodded my head smiling at him. We were out in a cafe for the 'date'

"Then why are you crying?" he asked softly. I touched my cheek feeling wetness in my fingers. I looked at him, he was giving me an encouraging smile asking me to talk to him. I hesitated for few seconds before deciding to open up.

"Telling my parents didn't go well" I said looking away not wanting to make eye contact with him.

"I knew it. Don't worry about them, Jisoo and I will be in your side always. You can rely on us Yuri. Please rely on us. Let us help you" more tears slipped down my face. I tried to talk but hiccupped feeling emotional.

"I don't know Yoongi. Everything feels overwhelming to me. I feel like suffocating. I just... I want to give up on everything" I said searching for any judgmental or disgusted look in his eyes. But all I could see was his worry. He took my hand in his rubbing my knuckles in a comforting way.

"Please don't say things like that. You are not alone Yuri." he said smiling. His gesture held something comforting. It felt like home. I nodded smiling lightly at him. He couldn't stop my thoughts but he could help me suppress them. That's all I want at the moment.

Third person POV

He was looking at the couple inside the cafe with jealous filled eyes. Through the glass panel he could see their love filled gaze even from his spot, few feet away from the cafe. He knew his hatred increasing day by day. He knew it was wrong. They look happy together. But he could not suppress his feelings. His mind kept telling him he should fight. Fight for his love. He was allowed to be selfish. Just for this once. His regret getting pushed to a corner of his heart his love overpowering it.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2021 ⏰

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