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"Yuri, are you OK? You look a little pale" Jisoo asked, worry written all over her face. we were sitting under our favorite tree. Its leaves were all fallen barely giving us any shade but who cares. It's not like sunlight melt us. And it's always nice just sitting here chatting nonsense.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Skipped breakfast today" I said. Well it's not a lie. I was so angry about my parents this morning so I left home without even looking at them.

Mom even came to wake me up but failed to notice that bloody mess from last night. Sometimes I think that they purposefully do it. I mean I even notice a small scratch on them and get worried but they on other hand don't even see big wounds like that.

It took me about thirty minutes to clean everything and get ready which made me late to school too. Such a shitty day

Jisoo snapped her fingers in my face breaking my chain of thoughts.

"What's wrong? You have been pacing out since you got here" she asked but I shrugged my shoulders. I don't want her to worry.

"Fine then. Let's get something to eat" she said grabbing my wrist. I hissed and pulled it back in pain. I can feel it open and blood came out again. Oh no, not again

She took my arm and pulled the sleeve up just to gasp in surprise.

"What the hell is this? What did you do?" she asked again and I just stared at floor. What can I say? That I accidentally tried to commit suicide again. I do not think so.

"Just a small cut. Don't worry" I smiled and she rolled her eyes.

"This don't look like a small cut to me. It's even bleeding. Did you at least treated it?" she asked removing the bandage.

"Yeah?" I answered. Well I cleaned it but couldn't find anything to put on it so I just messily bandaged it up.

"You are unbelievable!"


"Hey Yoongs look there" Jungkook said pointing outside of basketball court. I looked up to see Yuri and her friend sitting there talking.

Her hair softly brushing around her face in wind. Her pink hoodie blending well with the color around them, a soft yellow. Her eyes shining like diamonds. She is beautiful

"Hyung" Jungkook said and I look at him. He was looking at me with a smirk on his face.

"Why are you looking like that?" I asked raising my eyebrow.

"You looked like a love struck puppy" he said laughing. I huff and looked back at them.

"Want me to do that again?" he asked coming closer.

"Do what?"

"What I did days ago" he said and I looked back at him. His smirk grew and he picked up the ball from the floor. I just stared at him. And then I realized what's happening.

"Nooo" I yelled trying to stop him but he was fast. He threw the ball at them hitting it dead on her head.

"You brat! I said no!" I yelled hitting him playfully.

"Oh come on. Now you have a reason. Go there" he said pushing me.

"I hate you Jeon Jungkook" I muttered and walked out of the ground.

"I know! I love you too!" he yelled earning everyone's attention in ground.

Now I really hate you.


"OUCH" I yelled holding my head. There was a basketball near my feet. What the hell!

"Who have such a bad target! It's the second time!" I exclaimed rubbing my head. Jisoo pulled my hand back.

"Let me finish this you dork. Do you want your hand to rot?" she said and I just rolled my eyes.

"No seriously. You should stop this. I didn't say anything in beginning thinking you are smart enough to stop this by yourself but this clearly shows you are not. If I see one more cut I'm stepping in. Be careful" she said seriously. Why am I seeing her serious face more frequently these days?

We heard someone coming towards us. They were stepping loudly on fallen dried leaves and was heaving. I pulled my hand back looking at the person. He stands before us but his face couldn't see due to sunlight fall onto him. We could only see his silhouette. He crouched down and pulled my arm towards him and looked at my face Yoongi

"What the hell is this Yuri?" he asked gritting his teeth. What's his problem?

"Nothing" I said trying to pull my arm but his grip was too tight.

"Don't look like nothing to me"

"Stop! It hurts!" I said and he sighed releasing me. I rubbed the place he grabbed into.

"Why are you doing this? Please tell me! I can help you Yuri. I will help you"

"WE will help you" Jisoo butted in glaring at Yoongi. I laughed at her jealous face.

"What's so funny! You could have died you know" she said hitting my shoulder.

"Ouch, I know I know! I can't help it! What are you telling me to do?" I asked getting irritated. It's not like I'm doing this now. I was doing it since 9th grade. Why are they so concerned only now?

"At least tell your parents please" Yoongi begged.

"They won't listen" I said trying to hold back my tears. They are one of the reasons behind all of this.

"You don't know until you try. Try it please. For you, for your friend, for me" Yoongi said caressing my forearm. I sighed.

"Fine! I'll try. But I'm not sure"

"Yay! Finally! Now give it back. I have to finish bandaging" Jisoo said smiling.

I hope it will go well. Will they help me?


Hi readers, I'm sorry I disappeared for a while. I kind of out of ideas. I'll try to update more often. Also sorry for shitty chapter. My brain is frozen these days staying in home and seeing same things.

I purple you 💜

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