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Yuri's POV

Weekend was fantastic. Jisoo's mother brought us tickets for an amusement park on Saturday. We had lot of fun.

"I still can't forget the way you tripped and fell onto that guy." Jisoo started laughing. For the same reason she was laughing whole weekend. At least thousand times.

"Oh shut it. That was an accident. It was dark. Anything could happen." I defended. That was the only and most dreading thing happened on weekend.

We saw the roller-coaster was about to close. I started to run towards it dragging Jisoo behind. But some boys appeared out of nowhere and I banged into one's hard chest. I tripped and fell on to the one beside me. It was dark so I didn't saw his face nor did he. At least I was lucky a little or that would be lot more embarrassing. But I can still remember his smell though. Not that I'm planning to tell anyone about that but he smelled really good. It's like vanilla and roasted smell of fresh cookies when you just took them out of the oven, though that's my favorites smell. His breath hit my exposed neck like autumn breeze. And his...

"Ouch" I fell on my but cutting out my daydreaming. I glared in front of me to fight the one banged into me but turned out it was a light post. I heard a snickering sound besides me. Arghh too much embarrassing for just two days. Why can't earth just swallow me up. That would be much easier.

"At least help me up you raccoon. I have such a great friend." I growled at Jisoo. she stopped her laughing but still giggled.

"Ok, here you go grandma." she pulled me up.

"You know I really think you are some kind of an old witch who turned her body to a girl. You are just like an old woman. Don't have balance and can't even see properly. Should I hand you over to police? Or you can be a really danger to the mankind." She started her bickering again. I just gritted my teeth in anger. I'm not in the mood for a fight.

Class started soon. I was dozing off like always. Students around me stopped talking and straighten suddenly. I copied them and looked in front of me to see what the commotion about. School principal was there with a new boy.

"Listen class. Today we have a new student" he said with his hoarse voice.

"Introduce yourself" he said to the boy.

The boy smiled and a wave of Awee~~~ spread from girls. That boy was cute but he looked like a playboy.

"Hi, my name is Min Yoongi. Please take care of me." He smiled again and girls swooned making me gag. Those girls do not have anything to do than whoring around.

"Sure cutie" the queenka, Taehee shamelessly flirted and winked at him. He blushed slightly. Awee his cute smile kills me... Wait what? Where did that came from? He is not my type. I tried to tell myself. Bottom line TRIED.

"Ok that's it. Yoongi go and sit beside Jungkook. Jungkook please raise your hand."

Jungkook rolled his eyes before lifting his hand halfway lazily. He is one of the kingkas. That cutie better not involve with those. Wait what?! Did I just call him cutie? Arghh my head has some serious problem.

Class dragged on. I was feeling moody. This is one of those days where I have serious mood swings and feel bad and hurt at the end of the day. I ran my fingers slightly over my scarred arm. I haven't done anything for a while now. About two three days I think and that drive me nuts. I want to feel that again. After bell rang I got up and walk fast to the bathroom, entered a stall and locked it. I took my top off and my arm littered with old and new scars are full on display. Am I really going to do this. But I promised my mom not to. Well screw that. She always breaks her promises.

I took the blade from my pocket and slid it on my forearm. Once twice thrice and after many more I pulled my top back. This doesn't hurt. Not anymore after that mental breakdown I witnessed. But I like the way my skin and flesh slit and tiny beads of blood pooled around it. As sick as it sounds it is a good view. I never done it to the point that blood was flowing out.

I went back to my class feeling relieved. I hope I can be like a normal teenager who brag about almost every single thing happened to them with their friends but life is cruel and once you are broken you can't be normal.

When I went to the class a boy was sitting on the seat beside mine. I went towards him and he lifted his head startling. I was always got scolded that I walk silently and I scared others. But this boy sensed me. He smiled. He was the newbie. What's his name again? Yooni right?

"Umm... Hey" I started

"Hi, can I sit here. I got irritated with Jungkook's behavior. He is an ass." he said and I nodded mindlessly. He is going to sit with me!

"Hi, I'm Yuri." I said stretching my arm for a hand shake. He hesitated but took it anyway.

" I'm Yoongi" he said giving me a gummy smile. Oh not Yooni.

"I hope we can be friends" He said and I nodded.

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