N. O

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The first thing I did when I was home texting Yoongi. I was not sure about that information but still it's worth trying. I won't tell anyone even if it worked anyway. I went to the app and searched for Agust D. What kind of a name is that? I sent him a private message. A simple 'Hi'.

Few minutes passed and nothing happened. I gave up waiting and started my homework. I had lot of science and math homework but since I love those two subjects I didn't realized it's almost dinner time. I wanted to check my phone but my mom was yelling at me to come down and eat so I rushed to the dining room. Everything was right that night and no fights like I expected. Even that look normal to any other I was bothered. This is really uncommon in our house.

I only got to check my phone after dinner but still there was no reply. I took my phone and sat on my window frame. I like the night breeze. It can calm me down and wash away all the worries I had in my day. There were shadows of trees swaying side to side like some kind of ghosts. Even though anyone get frightened by that scene it got me relaxed. It's like nothing can fear me anymore. Sometimes I wonder I'm being a sadist have anything to do with that.

Everything was right but I felt something wrong. I felt something missing. I looked around the room to figure out what's missing. My eyes landed on that shiny piece of metal glowing in the moonlight. It's always look like some kind of a forbidden object. Which you get excited to do something bad and getting caught. I stretched my hand to reach the dread object but a notification popped up breaking my oh so romantic moment with my blade.

There was a massage from Yoongi. I squealed forgetting about my sleeping parents. I quickly bit my hand to shut myself. I jumped down from the window frame and jumped on my bed. He replied!

Agust D: hi

I replied hoping to start a conversation with him.

Yuri: what's up?

Agust D: nothing really. Just doing homework. You?

Yuri: I'm done with homework and going to bed soon.

Agust D: It's early to sleep for me. Ummm... I have a question.

Yuri: yes?

Agust D: how old are you? Are you going to Bangtan High?

My heart skipped a beat. Did he figure out this is me? I even removed all my photos and dp before texting him.

Yuri: no. Why?

Agust D: I know someone with your name. I thought that's you. 😁

Oh shit! I forgot my name! It's ok... It is not like I'm the only Yuri in Korea.

Yuri: oh no. You must have mistaken. And I'm sure I'm older than you.

I giggled. I'm going to fool you really good Min Yoongi.

Agust D: oh really? How old are you?

Yuri: who knows? May be 21.

Agust D: what does that supposed to mean? You don't know your age?

Yuri: or I don't want you to know it.

Agust D: whyyyy~~~~

Yuri: just because. And you are cute by the way.

I blushed after sending that. What am I doing? It's fine right? Not like he know me.

Agust D: Yahh I'm not cute. I'm manly and sexy.

I blushed even more. My cheeks felt like they are on fire.

Yuri: no no. You are a cute little boy. By the way call me noona. I'm older.

Agust D: you don't have proof and you don't know my age.

Yuri: but your bio tells everything lol

Agust D: shoot. I forgot that. Anyway noona~~~ what are you doing? Are you going to a job?

Yuri: no. I'm studying in uni.

Where does all these lies coming from?

Agust D: oh really. Where?

Yuri: I don't want a stalker behind me.

Agust D: I have better things to do than stalking an older girl. Huff...

Yuri: Aww don't be mad lil boy.

Agust D: 😊I'm not lil OK? You haven't seen me really.

Yuri: of course I have!

Shoot. I'm going to get caught. I deleted that message quickly.

Agust D: what was that? Why did you delete it?

Yuri: nothing. I'm going to go now. Good bye.

I ended our conversation throwing my phone on to the bed side table. I have to be careful with what I'm saying. I can't reveal who I am now or I will look like a freak to him for texting anonymously. My eyes caught my blade. Not once in my life I put cutting after anything but today I gave Yoongi my priority. Does this mean I'm getting better? Or I'm getting obsessed with him more than cutting?

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