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Yuri's POV

It's lunch time which means the loudest hour of the school. People were talking and laughing creating a loud buzz. Both I and Jisoo don't like this. To be surrounded by crack heads who talks much like scream. We both enjoy the peace. But why are we here? Because famous students in our class invited us to sit with them. Nari even pleaded which left me no choice. I don't know what they want from me.

"So, Yuri we have notice something and we thought you need help." One girl who I remember as Vicky blurted out. I went pale. It's been 2 weeks since I wore short sleeves. At first I was panicking all the time when someone is near me but eventually I got that no one notice my scars. Then I felt ease. Sure sometimes I got weird looks in gym time and bathroom but it didn't affect me much. But now these girls noticed and offering 'Help' is like stomping onto my self-confidence and crushing it with heavy boots.

"Vicky that's not how we should started it. Anyway we saw you scars and we are more than happy to help you." Peishi said.

"I don't need some strangers help. I don't need help at all. I have a friend and family. Thank you for offer." I said getting up. Who do they think they are? Nari held my hand giving me a pleading look. I swatted her hand and went out of the canteen. Jisoo's hand held my hand we folded our fingers making our hands locked. We went to our secret place and sat down.

"I'm sorry Jisoo for what happened. You didn't even get to finish the lunch." I apologized. A tear ran down wetting a thin strip of my cheek and ended up falling down my chin. Will my life end up like that tear drop?

"Oi, I don't care about lunch. But you will buy me MC Donald after School. Anyway don't worry about anything. I'm here for you. You can tell me anything." she said rubbing my arm. I gave her a weak smile.

We were joking around and laughing like fools until a basketball came and hit my head.

" Oww, what the" I turned around, ready to yell at the attacker but my words stuck in my throat.

There was standing Yoongi, white gym costume soaked with sweat and was sticking to his chocolate like abs. Black hair completely wet and sweat drops shined at end of his hair in sunlight. He bends down exposing his collarbone and smiled at me. I was drooling like literally. He looked like a god from a Greek museum.

"Hey" he breathed out still panting from I suppose practicing.

"Hii" I said almost whispered.

"Ball" he said but nothing made sense to me. I was mesmerized by his features and my mind went blank.

Someone hit back of my head waking me up from my daydream. I looked at Jisoo ready to fight but she raised her eyebrow and snatched the ball from my hand. OH!

"Here you go" Jisoo said handing the ball to Yoongi. He gave us a gummy smile before went to his team bouncing the ball on his way

"OHHHH... Someone has a cruuuush" Jisoo sang snaking her arm around my shoulder.

"Stop it, there's nothing like that." I said swatting her hand. There's nothing like that right?

"Oh stop lying. I can hear your heart pounding from a mile away. At last someone shook mighty Yuri's heart. I can die in peace now." Jisoo start her blabbering. Where does she get those ideas from?

Bell rang saving me from my misery. But that will start again after school.

After a really tiring day in school I went to MC Donald with Jisoo. I will be broken by the time we done because she eats like a pig. I feel sad for my poor wallet. We took our food and went to our favorite hangout place. It was in the park near a water fountain. On the top of the fountain there was a little angel figure. A one wing broken but that did nothing to his beauty. There was a bench under a tree which has yellow flowers we don't know the name of. In spring this place is covered in yellow flowers and it's so beautiful. It looks like a large pancake drizzle with honey placed on the ground to far. (too much food. I'm hungry now)

We sat on the bench and started to munch on our food.

"Next time I want chicken" Jisoo said with A mouth full of cheese burger.

"Eww, stop talking with food in your mouth. And you were spitting those tasty cheese out. And that next time is not anytime soon. I'm literally broken because of you" I said faking annoyance.

"whatever" she said wiping her mouth.

"Do you want to hear something?" she asked excited.

"Like what?" this is probably going to be some kind of gossip.

"I found Yoongi's Instagram account." she said even jumping on the spot.
I choked on my milkshake.

"What? How?!" I asked really surprised.

"You know me. I have my ways. His id is Agust D. Don't thank me just now. Take me to KFC tomorrow." she said smugly.

"Why should I? That information is not important to me. I don't like him" I said but was wavered inside. Do I really don't like him?

"Oh come on. I know you like him. You were drooling when you saw him." she said proving I'm wrong.

"OK OK fine. What am I supposed to do now?" I asked really clueless. I mean I can only follow him and look at his photos. Why should I do that when he is in my class?

She looked at me dumbfounded.
"Are you really stupid or are you acting like that. I know you have a reason that you don't talk to him in public. Whatever that stupid reason is. But you can talk with him anonymously and even express your feelings. Come on this will work! At least give it a try! " she said. Should I try that? Will it work?

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