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There was a beautiful blue color around me. I looked around. There were fish swimming around me. All with different colors. I looked up and saw sunbeam filtered into water. It's mesmerizing. Wait! Why am I in water?

I felt a burning sensation in my chest. All of my chest and neck muscles contracted suffocating me. Something wrapped around my ankle dragging me down. Away from sunlight and towards pitch black bottom and I stayed still unable to move a muscle.

I got up and sat on the bed. I was soaking with sweat. A cooling pad fell on to the blanket that wrapped around my body. I caressed it with my fingers and looked around. I started to panic.

This is not my room. And not a room I know of. I looked around desperate to find anyone or anything familiar. Then it hit me. That familiar vanilla scent I grew fond of. It is surrounding me. That scent is everywhere. In pillows, blankets, nightstand and everywhere.

Where am I? Whose room is this? Is this the same person from arcade?

I tried to memories what happened. I jumped off the bridge and no one was there .... Wait! Yoongi! He was there! he saw me!

Wave of panic wash through me sending shivers down my spine. Maybe this is Yoongi's room. Maybe he saved me. I tried to untangle myself from the blanket wrapped around me and stumble a little. In the process I hit the nightstand toppling a picture down. I stopped my movements and even breathing. Did he hear me? Will he come?

With the silence of the room I heard water running in the next room. Maybe he is showering?

I got up quietly. I should leave. It's true he saved me. I was lucky (maybe unlucky) but I can't face him. Not after what happened. He knows how I am. And he probably doesn't want to be involved with me. True he saved me, changed me, and took care of me. But that doesn't mean he is not scared of me. Everything he did is something a sane person do. I can't assume he care about me.

I folded the blanket and made the bed nicely. I can't just leave him. At least I have to thank him. But still.... I can't face him. Arghh.... What am I going to do?

I lifted the toppled picture. That was Yoongi with a girl. She looks older. Maybe his sister? He was smiling his cute gummy smile. A smile crept across my face.

Get out of your daydream and get out of here

I shook my head before placing it back down. I Could write a note! That way I would not look like some ungrateful brat even though I'm not very happy he saved me.

I found a sticky note and wrote a quick note

Dear Yoongi,

Thank you for everything you did. I was lucky that you were there. I appreciate it. But please don't tell anyone. Don't even talk about it with me. Promise me that. Thanks again


That'll do it. I have to get out now. I spotted my uniform in the chair and quickly changed the oversized sweatshirt and shorts I was wearing (probably Yoongi's) into it. I looked around to make sure no one was there and quickly sneaked out of his two story house.

I rushed past his front door just in time as I heard water stops. He will come out soon.

OK that's done. Now I have to figure out a way to go home. Maybe I could find a bus stop. But I don't have money. Maybe a kind hearted person will give me a lift. NO... don't even think about it

I looked around to get an idea if where I was. This is my neighborhood. Maybe he is the boy Jisoo was talking about.

I found my way home with the aid of evening sunlight. Trees were bathed in pinkish orange light. Birds were flying towards their nests making soft sounds. Green grass and white fences look almost red. The world is beautiful.

It would be more beautiful without you
You had one job and you failed it. You are useless.

I turned my head down with shame. I can't go home now. I don't want to involve with them again. My stomach growled leaving me no choice. I should get home and eat something before I pass out

I found my house and tried to open the door quietly. But two strong hands pulled me into a bear hug leaving me surprised. What was that for?

I heard my mom sniffles and looked around.

My dad was hugging me. My back getting wet with his tears. My mom crying. Eyes red and puffy. Even my brother had dark bags under his eyes. What's happening?

"Daddy what's wrong?" I asked trying to sound soft. But it came out hoarse. Probably because I didn't talk for long.

He broke the hug before looking at me.
"You was gone for a whole day. And you are asking what's wrong?" he said shaking my shoulders.

He sounds wounded and hurt. Did I make it that way? Do they really care?

My mother pulled me into another hug.

"someone found your bag near Hun river and gave it to police. T-they called us. We were so worried. W-we t-thought something bad happened to you. They didn't case a file be-because you weren't missing for 24 h-hours. I was so worried. I couldn't do an-anything to find you. "my mom blabbered hiccupping in between.

They really do care!

" I'm sorry "I whispered.

I looked at my brother and smiled lightly. He scrawled before disappearing into the kitchen. Is he mad at me? I broke the hug before smiling at my mom.

" I'm sorry I made you worried. I was with my friend and I lost my bag. " I lied through my teeth. I'm sorry I lied mom. I couldn't tell you. How could I tell her I tried to suicide?

"I'm going to change." I said before kissing her cheek and rushed upstairs. I felt sick but took a shower anyway and got into some comfy clothes. I jumped on my bead ready to sleep for a month but just as I close my eyes....

"Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear sis
Happy birthday to you"

My brother came into my room holding a chocolate cake with burning candles. He smiled widely and speed walked into my room and


He fell on the ground face in cake, feet tangled in my towel. A laugh escaped my chapped lips. I laughed so hard even tears made their way out.
I got up before crouching in front of me. He growled before sitting up. I ran my finger on his icing covered cheeks and licked it making a mischievous face.

He made a gag sound implying he is disgusted.

"Why? You are tasty." I said before smirking. He shook his head before laughing along. Looks like I'm not all alone. Looks like I'm worth a second chance.

We are all broken. But some have it to their extremes. But that doesn't mean others have it less. Everyone have a full package of problems and we are not to decide who have it harder. But still everyone deserves another chance. No matter how many they had.

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