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Trigger warnings. Lots of explanation.


It's almost 10 pm. I am sitting on my bed wrapped in a blanket trying to avoid the noises downstairs. A glass shattered loudly and I flinched. I don't like those noises. I want them to stop.

Why? Are you scared?

I nodded unintentionally. Oh my god. I'm out of my mind now. Why am I responding to my inner voices?

That's because I'm real. I'm your only friend. Only I know you. No one knows you better than me. I can tell you what's best for you. And its DIE!

'No! You are lying. You don't know me!'

Of course I do! Listen to me!

'No! I won't! I know it's not real!'

Are you sure.

Then I heard an eerie chuckle. I closed my eyes tight and mumbled 'It's not real' over and over.

'This is not working! I can't do this anymore.'

I opened my eyes. Tears finding their way down as soon as I opened my eyes.

I searched around mindlessly for my blades. Where are they when I need them the most? As soon as I got a hold of the cold metal piece I slid it on my wrist.

'Oh shit!'

The blade went deeper than I expected. It was stick onto the flesh on my arm blocking the flow of blood. But if I took it out blood will ooze out and...

And you will die!

'No! This is just a small cut!'

You think so? Then pull it out. Let's see.

My eyes widened. Will I really die? No no no. This is just a small cut.

Another loud sound came from the downstairs. Are they still fighting? I don't have to think about it now. I have to do something about this.

'OK, I will pull this out and press something on it as soon as the blade is out. Right, that's what I have to do? What should I press?'

I looked around and spotted my pillow cover. 'That will do it.'

I closed my eyes tight and grasped the top part of the blade firmly? With one swift move I pulled the blade out. I clenched my teeth in pain. It was blinding. I saw white spots on my vision.

Without even looking at the wound I pressed the pillow cover on it. A when I took a look at it, it was soaking from all the blood coming out turning the baby purple pillow into scarlet.

'No! This is not working!'

I tried to rub off the blood. My arm felt numb and my heart beat fast. 'what should I do now? I can't call my parents!'

Don't worry. You will die before they find you out

'No! I don't want to die.'

I felt dizzy and sat on my bed. Endless flow of blood dripped onto my bedsheets too. But that was my least concern right now. My head felt light and soon I blacked out.


YOONGI'S POV (about 6pm)

I was at Jungkook's house explaining what happened in lunch today. They all listened with comical expressions.

"So if you both like each other why can't you date?" Jin asked the question lingered in everyone's mind.

"I don't know man. I wonder too" I replied but I had an idea why she didn't want to.

"She's a mess. Why are you even bothering dating her?" my blood boiled at the Jungkook's comment. Can't they see I love her? Jimin nudged him sensing my anger.

"shut your mouth. I know she must have a reason" Namjoon said and I nodded. Of course she must have.

Taehyung just sat there fiddling with his sweater sleeve. He didn't talk to me after lunch. Even though I chased him out he managed to run off. I only got to see him here after that.

"Hey Tae, wanna grab some snacks?" I asked wanting to talk to him privately. He pouted but got up anyway.

"Hey! This is my house! You can't just eat like that! At least don't take my banana milk" Jungkook yelled as we walked out of the living room.

"So, wanna talk about it?" I asked and felt the tension increasing between us.

"about what?" he asked tossing a bag of kernels to the microwave.

"About Taehee and stuff?" I asked again. He looked at me looking sad and annoyed.

"You know I hate her. What am I supposed to talk about her?" he asked in annoyance. But deep down I know he was hurt.

"Yeah, I know. She's a bitch but it has nothing to do with you. We all know that Tae" I said patting his shoulder.

"But Jisoo don't know that. What if she finds out? Will she think I'm like her?" he asked close to tears.

" I don't think so. She is a clever girl. But why are you bothered by that anyway?"

"I just I-umm" he stuttered blushing to a slight shade of pink.

"Ohh~ someone has a crush" I sing sang. He's cute when he's shy.

"Stop it~" he said punching my shoulder slightly. I just laughed and patted his head.

"Don't worry. She won't think anything bad about you OK? I won't let that happen" he nodded giving me his infamous boxy smile.

Sorry for the late update and short chapter. I'm getting lazy. Anyways stay safe guys!

Support my other book 'tear' too
I purple you 💜

Anyone has a nearly dead experience? And also do people really hear creepy sounds in head or is that just for dramas and stuff? I'm really curious right now!

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