👶👑Chapter Nine👑👶

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*~The Nursery~*

Callum lead Rayla away from the ball to show her the nursery. Rayla was concerned about where Callum was leading her. And when she saw where she was, she then noticed her family. 

They were all lined up. Even Soren and Aanya were there. She quite concerned about what was going on.

Rayla then noticed the door. The sign said Royal Baby.

Rayla squealed. Then she open the door. It was the journey that Callum and her had taken when returning Zym.

Sol Regom, the handcarved crib. Her little friends from childhood, Adoraburrs, on the posts of the crib.. It was a Xadian themed nursery. The desert was there too.

And Callum had hand painted and carved the whole room. She begin to cry.  Hormones and all.

Rayla hugged Callum and her whole family.

It was everything she ever wanted.

It was the best birthday ever and she didn't even have her child yet.


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