22) Sustenance.

Começar do início

I had decided that along with doing applications today I would also stop by my apartment-technically my dad's apartment-to pack up all of my things to clear out before my mother would most likely convince my father to chuck my belongings. To be perfectly honest I had also wondered how far they were going to take all of this and deep down I was mostly thankful that they had removed themselves from my life. Yet, a small part of me was curious about what had happened to bring this on.

All I had done was break up with Giovanni before he had the chance to save myself the impending heartbreak of him doing it beforehand. As far as I knew I had no say in the company at all let alone where it would end up.

"I'm leaving now." I called out to Kendall which she did not respond to. I had doubted that she would anyways, but I decided to still check that she was breathing before I left.

After checking up on her and being satisfied with my findings I left her apartment and locked up with my own set of keys. Today was quite sunny with a subtle crisp wintery wind that swept passed my jean clad lower body. I would be using Kendall's driver today since I did not own a car and I doubted that I could even think of asking my father to send one to fetch me.

"Good morning Miss Richmond." I peaked at the head that stuck out from the driver's side. Malcolm would most likely be considered far too good looking to not be on the cover of some exclusive magazine over. He had sandy blond hair, a slight five o'clock shadow that framed the contour of his chin and lower face which alluded to a grown up surfer that had found his way into the business world. "I've told you before Malcolm to call me Aurora." I playfully scolded him as I took a seat in the back of the vehicle.

"Maybe one day Miss Richmond, when I'm no longer employed by Miss Kendall and her family." Rolled my eyes at his response and instead opened my purse to retrieve my cellphone as it buzzed with a message from its confines.

As soon as I saw the name that flashed across my screen I instead shut it off completely in hopes of ignoring him for a little bit longer before the universe ultimately pushed us back to the same place. I had on my second day at Kendall's place taken one too many sips from the bottle of an extremely expensive bottle of tequila from which had been hidden away in her personal stash. I had stumbled upon article after article, complete with personal photographs, of the event that was the baby shower of Giovanni and Melissa. The multiple pink streamers that littered the front lawn of a mansion that I was sure even my father could not even imagine owning. The one picture that had driven the knife even deeper into my back had been one of Giovanni and his mother, on either side of Melissa with smiles as wide as the Nile river, with their hands on her belly as they smiled up at the camera.

Each write up had the same photograph plastered as the main one and each wrote of the amazing adventure that they would now be embarking on together. One or two had even given my name a mention when writing about Gio's passed lovers and how it was never confirmed that we were broken up before the current event.

I believe it was after the tenth or so article that I had done the stupid and embarrassing thing and decided to send him a piece of my mind via calling him. I know I am as dumb as they come. The next morning I had remembered my stupid decision, plus the fact that I had left a voicemail since I could not get a hold of him. Which tripled the hangover I had woken up with and had caused me to cease drinking from then on out as if I were to be the woman I knew that I was it would mean no more mopping.

"Malcolm, could we make a stop after we get done at my apartment please?" He raised an eyebrow at me in the rearview mirror, but humored me none the less. "Of course Miss, so long as you direct me in the right direction we can go wherever you please." The sentence was punctuated with a nod.

The Italian Businessman (Old Version).Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora