44. Can't hold the feelings

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Warning: Slightly mature scenes ahead. Reader's discretion is advised.

"The next time this happens, I'm taking you to the hospital. Doctor's orders." She warned Larkin, who gave her a quick eye roll. Callie continued to take a sip of the latte in Larkin's coffee jar. She could see why he always took coffee so much, it was almost addictive, sending buzzing rings to her head when the delicious taste kicked in. "I can't believe that the first time you're leaving this house is because of a dress. But when you had the chance to leave here and go to the hospital, you refused. How's that?"

His half shrug still made him wince again. "I've left this house a bunch of times before. It's not the first time. I'm not agoraphobic. I just don't like being seen." His stony look resurfaced. "I usually go to the hospitals at night when I want to do my Xray scans or anything that my doctors can't do in this house."

"Oh. I didn't know that. Well at least you are giving yourself the chance to explore the world."

He cocked his head. There was an incredulous look in his eyes when he wore a tiny frown. "The first time I tried to leave this house, was the week after my parents died. I tried to hide the scars on my face with a hoodie and a pair of dark glasses but it wasn't enough. My neighbors recognized me easily. And do you know what I overheard them say one day while they were gossiping? One said. 'That's the guy who caused his parents' death.'" He paused to give a humorless laugh that worried Callie a lot. "And the other person said. 'Well I'm glad he got what he deserved'. It's stuff like that, that traumatizes people like me. I never got it out of my head and it made me afraid to hear what others had to say."

Recounting her own experience, she said. "Do you know what people said when my mom died? Someone once told my dad to his face that they didn't think we'll be able to survive without my mom. It was cruel and unnecessary, but people would always have something to say. It's just up to you to decide not to let it get to you. That's just life."

He was quiet for a couple of moments. Larkin's next words sliced through the silence of his room. "You should really try chasing a career in Psychology. You're pretty good at this."

She scoffed, unconvinced by what he said. "Please, I haven't fully gotten my shit together yet. I was stupid enough to think that forgetting my mom's death anniversary meant that I was moving on but I still flinch whenever I talk about her. This grief thing is driving me crazy."

His emotionless tone started to soften. "It's a process. We're both crossing the stages, even if it's at a snail pace. It's not gonna happen at once. We lost people we loved, so it won't be easy. We're still growing. Months ago, I couldn't make friends, I was always difficult and battled with my inner demons. Now, I have people that I care about and I'm doing things I'd never have done in a billions years. There was once a time that I'd always carry an umbrella with me whenever I was gardening, so people wouldn't see my face and laugh about my scars. Now I don't use it anymore and would rather give anyone the middle finger if they dared to make fun of me."

Callie remembered the brown polyester umbrella. Larkin carried it around with him when they first met. But that already felt like a lifetime ago. So many things had changed for both of them from that point. Her lips curled up at the memory. "Look who should be aiming at a degree in Psychology instead. It'll suit you too."

"It's actually not a bad idea, but I'll just settle for the counsellor that Dr. Guilbert recommended for me instead. The doctor's concerned about the effects of today's attacks and how it ties to my past losses. I'll do the therapy thing, but my priority right now is to make sure those scumbags that hurt me, go to jail. I'll get the best lawyers that'll make them stay in prison till they're 100 years old and nothing will st—" He leaned forward and let out a small scowl at the pain trooping all over his body.

Scars To Your Beautiful : A Modern Beauty and the Beast retelling ✔Where stories live. Discover now