41. A sucker for love

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She hadn't been to his room before. Hell, she hadn't even entered the top floor of the Manor. Anything that covered Larkin and his parents' room were out of her jurisdiction. Following his lead, he took her through the stairs, making slow steps to ease his aching legs. It hurt to see him like this but the stubborn look in his eyes proved how determined he was to outlive his struggles.

Larkin clicked a redwood door open and slipped inside. Callie followed suit and drank in the glorious sight. He had a room fit for a King. Just like every room in the Manor, it was elegantly decorated with Victorian designs and a marble fireplace. Her head tipped up to catch the room's full beauty. A three-tiered chandelier dangled from the ceiling with tiny jewels glittering dazzling lights around the white walls of the room. She almost gasped. Were those real diamonds on it? Callie quickly pulled her eyes away, not wanting Larkin to catch her shocked look.

"Your room's amazing." Her eyes flickered from the silk curtains to his neatly arranged bed. Clean white sheets covered the King sized bed, cloaking parts of it with a royal blue duvet.

He didn't respond and limped to his walk-in closet. Its doors wheeled open and Larkin took out a particular bright yellow dress, that stood out in the midst of the dull colored outfits next to it. It was a hybrid of cotton and silk, with its Tuscany yellow color popping out against white floral embroidery printed across the canary layered bouffant skirt. The dress was carefully styled in a v-neck, off shoulder design that spilled layers of fabrics to the lower part of the floor length garment.

It hung loosely at the torso in a way that made Callie realize how larger in size it was for her. She shook off her concern. She'd just make some adjustments to it. No biggie. It was still gonna remain a beautiful dress.

It looked more like a ball gown than simple outfits that people wore to school formals. Still, she appreciated his gesture. This had been a huge sacrifice for him but she didn't want to feel like a free loader. Her damn conscience wouldn't let her.

"I love it. Thank you." She said softly as she watched him stuff it in a bag and handed it to her.

"It's all good. A day before the accident, my mom had asked me to pick it up from the dry cleaners but I was so lazy to take it to her room, so I just hid it in mine. I had no idea that she won't need it after all." His humorless chuckle struck her heart and caressed bits of Callie's inner soul. It was a beautiful rumble that she loved to hear. "But I'm glad it's you that gets to keep it."

Her heart hammered in her chest. Callie wouldn't be surprised if he could hear it pounding loudly in his room. The hairs at the back of her neck stood, feeling fully aware of the sensational feeling his words gave her.

He had taken slow strides to her, picking out every hint of emotion flickering over her face. Deep set of green eyes had pulled into hers in a unflinching gaze. She was still numb by his presence, her heart beating wildly. But then a phone buzzed on the table next to Callie, breaking away their gazes from each other and onto the buzzing phone. Her arched eyebrows drew. That definitely wasn't her phone. Callie whipped her head to the dated iPhone 5 on the coffee table and squinted her eyes at the name stuck on the screen. Becca. Callie frowned. Wasn't that his ex girlfriend's name? "Is this yours?"

"Yeah, I just felt the need to turn it on today and loads of messages from the past one year has been trooping in. It's been a nightmare but I'm eager to speak to people I used to know." People like Becca? The question burned at the back of her head and it ruined any sexual tension blazing through her. He looked hesitant to say the words itching his lips but those beautiful eyes poured out swirls of warmth to her. "I'd even like to take your number, if that's cool with you, Callista."

Scars To Your Beautiful : A Modern Beauty and the Beast retelling ✔Where stories live. Discover now