25. Everyone's got something

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Callie stood at the entrance of Alpha's Brand Superstore, which had its name boldly written in bright neon lights at the top of its front walls. The fancy supermarket was owned by Mrs. Monty. A straight laced, fair weathered and blonde haired middle aged woman with a love for diamond necklaces and an avidity of rarely checking up on her establishment.
The low rise warehouse built of red bricks and a cathedral domed ceiling, had small rose bushes planted in between the tiled walkway and an extensively large parking space that was flecked with collections of parked vehicles.

Callie straightened her work jacket and waved her hand. "Hey Peter. You finally came."

Peter looked shocked to see her beaming and waving at him, the moment he got out of his old pick up truck. He sent her a dubious look, with his eyelids creasing his narrowed blue eyes. "Were you waiting for me? Or are you standing there waiting for someone else?"

Callie's attempt at a giggle made his nose wrinkle. "Don't be silly. My shift mostly ends five minutes before yours start, so I thought to myself, 'why not spend the five minutes outside, enjoying the air rather than sitting behind the counter?' And that's what I decided to do."

Peter cleared his throat. He looked at her for a second, then shifted his gaze to the floor. Here we go, shy Peter was back. "Oh well, ehm okay. If you—"

Callie quipped, before he could babble out any more incoherent words. "I like your hoodie. Is it new?"

Peter took a glance at his camouflage brown hoodie that hung freely around his skinny body and sent her a seemingly unimpressed look. "I usually always wear this. Most times."

Callie muttered an "oh", not knowing to say. She never really paid attention to what Peter wore or anything he did. Callie was almost worried about this 'friendship' thing not working but she was determined to beat Larkin at this. Callie really did want to be better.

His gaze rolled to the sidewalk. "I should get going. I wouldn't want to get late for work."

Callie's nervous laughter sounded totally unconvincing to her own ears, so she could understand why there was so much discomfort on his face. "There's no way Peter Doherty's ever late for work. You're like a saint around here. Saint Blue-eyed Peter."

Peter seemed hesitant to reply, but then blurted out. "I don't know what this is, but if you're interested in me or anything, I'd rather not hear you say it. I have a girlfriend and I really like her. You're really pretty and all, but I'm devoted to—"

Callie's face flushed, and then a sputter of laughs erupted out of her mouth, startling Peter for a second. "No offense, Peter but you're not my type." She felt so mortified hearing him assume what he said, but at the same time, she found it too funny for words. Peter actually thought she was asking him out. Callie could already imagine Larkin's reaction when she'd tell him.

Peter's ears brightened to a shade of rose pink, which made his ashen white skin look paler. "Oh shit. Sorry if I said that. I'm just not used to talking to you. When you first started working here, you avoided interacting with me, so I just decided to follow suit."

"Yeah, I know. That's why I'm trying to make up for it."

He responded, with a shrug. "You did try talking to me few weeks ago. I wasn't sure if you were high or trying to flirt with me. I didn't want to figure out which one it was."

Thick gust of wind slapped against her cheek and sent chills down her bones. Pushing back the waves of her hair which was tousled by the autumn breeze, Callie cast her gaze to the greying sky for a moment. "The rain's about to start. We should go in."

With a nod, he followed her inside and she answered his previous response. "I was only trying to make a new friend. I wouldn't want you to think that I was hitting on you."

Scars To Your Beautiful : A Modern Beauty and the Beast retelling ✔Where stories live. Discover now