"Treat me like yours" -Beomgyu Pt 2

Start from the beginning

I slowly turned my head around to see the young boys laughing.

"Should we get a different seat?" I asked her.

"No? I'm going to ask to get a picture," Tiffany got up from her chair, and I panicked.

"No-! Just leave them be!" I whisper yelled back.

"Are you kidding? There's no way I'm missing this chance to get a picture,"

I tried to hold her back but I couldn't. I fell over on my butt and groaned.

"Is she okay? What happened?"

I saw Tiffany skip over to Soobin to ask for a picture, and I rolled to my side in pain.

"Are you okay?" I blinked my eyes and looked up to the person; it was Huening Kai. I nodded slowly and attempted to get up; he held my hand to pull me back up.

"Hey, I feel like I've seen you before," He said tapping his chin,

"Isn't that the fan from our fansign?" Yeonjun asked while sipping his iced tea.

"Oh yeah!" Taehyun exclaimed, "You came to our fansign, right?" I shrugged slightly and nodded.

"Wait, what was your name again?" Beomgyu asked me. At that moment, I ran out of words to say,

"Uh...it's Mona," I answered. "I mean, Martha."

"Right..." Beomgyu's voice trailed off, "What brings you guys here?"

Tiffany skipped over to me and gasped,

"How do they remember your name?!" She whispered.

"Martha is one of those fans who we will probably remember for a long time. She's just so different compared to the rest." Soobin answered.

I blushed.

Tiffany playfully hit the back of me, "You're so lucky~."

I bowed in apology, "I apologize for giving you inconvenience. Thank you,"

"No no," Taehyun answered, "You're okay, we could use more time to hang out with our fans,"

"Yeah, come join us!' Yeonjun looked for extra chairs for us to sit on.

"No it's fine," I tried to back away from Tiffany's enthusiastsic grip.

"Are you kidding? Of course we'll join you!"

I mentally facepalmed and plastered on a fake smile before sitting on the chairs next to them.

We talked about a bunch of things, I was glad that they didn't suspect us for sasaengs or anti-fans. Heck, why would anti-fans go to their fansign?

Also, Tiffany wouldn't stop teasing the heck out of me, I was already insecure about my feelings toward Beomgyu, but she had to make it worse.

I tried to brush it off and play it cool, but nothing seemed to work.

"And did I tell you guys?" Tiffany said excitedly, "Martha was rejected from her first grade crush because he thought she was too fat!"

I bit my lip, trying to calm myself down.

"Being fat isn't a bad thing," Soobin said, chuckling nervously.

"I know," Tiffany smiled brightly towards him, "It was funny at the moment."

I glanced at my watch and noticed it was already pretty late. I didn't want to be around Tiffany any much longer, and I didn't want to bother TXT either.

I sighed and excused myself from the table, grabbing my bag and my phone.

"Are you leaving already?" Yeonjun asked me. I nodded stiffly and lied,

"I have to get up early tomorrow for work."

Beomgyu and I made eye contact again.

"It was fun hanging out with you," I mumbled and bowed my head respectfully. Suddenly, Beomgyu interfered.

"I'll walk you to the bus stop, it's already late." He said, "Let's go," Beomgyu grabbed my thick arm and dragged me outside.

I followed him from behind, he suddenly turned around to face me,

"Are you okay?"

I locked eyes with him, "Of course...why wouldn't I be?" He sighed,

"Your friend seems like she's fat-shaming you," Beomgyu folded his arms, "Are you sure that didn't make you upset?"

I shook my head, "I'm not upset, I'm just...uncomfortable."

Beomgyu placed a hand on my small shoulder, "Even if we met today, I could tell that you're upset by it,"

I remained silent and nodded slightly.

"Well, maybe just a little," I shrugged. "But how could you even relate to me? You've been skinny and handsome all your life."

My voice trailed off, "I've been obese since I was born, and no one has ever called me pretty or cute before."

He chuckled, "Believe me, I see so many people every day, and I can tell you that you're the cutest person I know, so far."

I shook my head, "You're lying. This is just fanservice, isn't it?" He removed the hand on my shoulder.

"Even if I tell you that you're cute, you don't believe me." Beomgyu sounded sad like he just lost something.

"Sorry, I'm just not used to things like this," I muttered an answer.

"Don't be, I get it." He smiled, "I just wanted to tell you that you're cute, and don't feel bad about the way you look."

I felt my heart hitting my chest like it was going to break out of it.

"I'll get going now, I can walk home," I said, and thanked him.

Hiii sorry for taking so long to update, this request is one of the more difficult ones to write just because I want to keep it short but it ends of being pretty long and that gets annoying haha
I think this is part 2(?) of the "Treat me like yours" Series, I might change the title to "No one cares about your weight, be yourself" I don't like it lolll
Anyways stay safe from the virus and have a great week!

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