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Nina's POV

Ring ring

I woke up to my phone going off at 5AM!

"Hello" I said

"Hey Nina." I heard Paul say as my heart felt completed.

"I miss you" I said not knowing why he was calling me but I love him too much to not answer.

"I miss you too!, I really hope we can see each other soon" Paul said

"I do too" I said

"Sorry but I just wanted to say hi, so I have to go" he said "well I love you, Nina " he said while the background noise got louder.

"Wait what? I didn't hear you" I lied

"I love you" he said as I stated to blush.

"Paul I can't hear what you are saying." I said

"You know exactly what I'm saying" he said as I giggled. "I can't wait to hear your beautiful laugh again.

"Well I have to go now bye." I said, then I remembered something. "oh yeah, I love you too"

"I'm sorry what did you say?" Paul said as I started to laugh.

" You know exactly what I said" I said as we both laughed then said goodbye.

Paul's POV

The flight to Bulgaria was long but it was worth it. Once i got off the flight I called a taxi wright away and made my way to Nina's parents house

I knocked on the door and right away nina's mom anwserd.

"hi Paul!" She said as she gave me a hug.

"Hi ms. konstantinova!" I said

"It's so great to see you again" she said as she let me inside her beautiful house.

"You too" I said

Ms. konstantinova and I talked for a while. A few minuets later I heard someone walking towards the dining room where Ms. konstantinova and I were sitting.

"Paul?" Nina said in shock

Nina's POV

I sat in my bed listening to every song on my iPhone. As the songs finished I heard my mom talking to a familiar voice. After a few more songs I decided to go and see who my Mom was talking to.

I jumped out of my bed, put on a pair of slippers and started to walk down the Hallway witch led to the dinning room where my mom was. I entered the room and saw my Prince Charming sitting there.

"Paul?" I said in shock

"Nina!" He said while walking up to me.

I'm not sure if I'm happy to see Paul of if I'm mad.

"I missed you too much!" I said in tears while we each huger each other.

"I missed you too" he said as my mom left the room.

"Why are you here?" I asked while whipping the tears off my face.

"I just missed you too much to live another day without you." he said as I could feel myself blushing.

I thought Paul was back with Torrey?

"Wait, aren't you back together with Torrey?" I asked knowing that I would ruin this perfect moment.

"Umm no..let's not talk about this right now" he said as he kissed my cheek.

"Ok" I said

"I really don't want to say this but, I have to go and book my hotel so il see you tomorrow?" He said

"Of course" I said

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