Moving in

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Nina's POV

Paul and I had a very long night last night so Paul just ended up spending the night.


I slowly picked up my phone that was on the desk beside my bed.

"Hello" I said just waking up

"Hey nina!! Did I wake you....?" Claire asked

"Hey. no it's fine" I said moving Paul's arm off of my cheast.

"So I haven't see you in so long! how about we meet up after work?" Claire asked

"Shit!! I forgot about work!" I said while waking Paul up

"Oh ya it starts in 1 hour" she said

"Ok can I call you back?" I said

"Ya, bye"

"Bye love you!" I said as I hung up

I softly moved Paul so that he would wake up. A few seconds later he woke up.

"Why are you up so early?" Paul asked

"We have work in 30 minuets!" I said as I sat up

"Can we just lay in bed for another ten minuets" Paul said trying to pull me back into bed.

"No Paul we need to go" I said moving his hands off of my waist

"Fine but you owe me" he said getting out of bed

"Ok" I said as I made my way to the washroom.

**at work**

Paul and I ran into hair and wardrobe so that Julie wouldn't see us because we were 15 minuets late.

"Hey guys!!" Joseph said as he walked into the dressing room

"Hey! Why are you here?" I asked because Joseph has his own show now

"I'm just leaving, but I was here for a special episode later on in the season" Joseph said

"Oh cool" I said

**after work**

Since I ended work early today I went over to the originals set to go and pick up Claire to go out for lunch.

"Heyyyyy!" I said while giving Claire the biggest hug ever

"I missed you soso much" Claire said

"I missed you too, shall we head out?" I said while Claire and I walked to my car

**after lunch**

Right after lunch I really wanted to go home and see Paul so I called him to see if he was free.

"Hey Neens" he said as he picked up the phone

"Hi, do you want to come to my house for awhile?" I asked as I got into my car

"Sure sweetie il be there in 10?"

"Okay see you" I said

"Love you" Paul said as he hung up

Once I hung up the phone I drove to my house.

When I finally made it to my house Paul wasn't there so I decided to go and quickly change out if my clothes and put on a new outfit. Right after I was done getting ready Paul showed up.

"Hello sweetie" Paul said as he kissed me at the door

"Hi, I missed you" I said as I smiled

Paul's POV

Nina and I sat on the sofa wachting The Notebook. I'm only wachting it because it's nina's turn to pick the movie. I like have these nice little moments with her. I'm excited for the baby to come, but I'm not a 100% sure I'm ready. once the baby come I should be ready then.


"Ya Paul?"

"Do you want to move in with me?" this would hopefully help me get ready for the baby, and take the next step in the relationship.

"I would love to move in with you."

Yes! she going to be moving in with me. I'm so excited. I'll be able to be there though her mood swings and cravings.


Nina's POV

I started to pack up my stuff. I'm excited to move in with Paul. Then soon enough the baby will arrive and we can be one happy family.

A few hours later Paul showed up to help me out with my packing.

"Ok so since we are almost done packing up the main things I'm going to call Daniel over to help" Paul said as I noted my head.

After Daniel left everything that I needed in my house was at Paul's.

Paul and I stood at the entrance of my house.

"I'm so excited to start the next chapter of our life together" I said as I wrapped my arms around Paul's torso.

"Me too" Paul said as he kisses my forehead

A/N I am so sorry that I haven't updated in like forever and I promise that I will update very soon! <33333

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