The unexspected surprise

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Nina's POV

"Good morning" I said as I kissed his chest

"Morning beautiful" he said

"I love it when you call me that..."I said as I reached up and kissed his lips softly

"Oh you do, beautiful" he said smiling as he kissed my lips.

Paul and I were in the middle of a moment until we heard my doorbell ring.

"Who is up at 6am?!?!" Paul asked as I sat up

"I don't know" I said pulling the covers off of me

"No you stay il go answer it" he said while putting my blanket back on me

"Okay fine" I said giving Paul one last kiss

Paul quickly put on a pair of pants and went downstairs.

Paul's POV

As soon as i opened the door I knew that I was in deep shit.

"Oh hello Paul" Nina's mother said

"Hi mrs konstantinova" I said

"Oh please paul we've known each other for quite sometime call me michaela" she said stepping into the house

"Why are you here so early" michaela asked me

"Oh umm I just brought nina some breakfast" I said trying to make up a lie

"Oh thats so nice, we're is nina?" she asked

"I will go get her" I said running upstairs

"Who was it handsome?" nina asked

"Your mother." I said

Nina's POV

After Paul told me that my mother was here I didn't know what to do because I haven't told her about Paul and I being together nor have I told her about me being pregnant.

"I don't know what she is doing here" I said worried

"We'll she had luggages with her and now she wants to see you, so why don't you come with me and we can find out" Paul said while picking up my clothes.

"Okay" I said while putting on a pair of sweats with a tank top.

As I slowly made my way downstairs I started to feel nauseous.

"Paul i don't feel well" I said as tears started to rush down my face

" Do you feel like your going to throw up?" Paul asked as he picked me up and brought downstairs.

"Hello nina" my mom said as she gave me a hug "why was Paul carrying you?" She asked

"Oh I just don't feel that we'll" I said as I started to feel more and more sick

I walked over to Paul and whispered to him that I feel sick. Before I knew it I was about to puke so Paul picked me up and rushed me to the washroom, he tied my hair up then left to give me some privacy.

A few minuets later I told my mom that I just need some sleep so I bought her a hotel room for her to spend the night in.


Paul and I have been relaxing the hole day witch has been nice since I feel super sick. He has been comforting me all day witch is really nice. I really love the moments like this with Paul. I'm really nervous to tell everybody that I'm having a baby.

"Paul?" I said as i looked up at him

"Yes sweetie?" Paul said

"How am I going to tell my mom about the baby?" I said

"We will tell her at the right time we might want to tell that we are dating first, I think that she think that your still dating Ian." He said calmly while touching my stomach. Paul is so sweet and know what to say at all the right times. I called my mom to tell her that we were dating then later on I'll tell her that I'm having his baby.

"Hi mom" I said so scared to tell her

"Hey nina! Are you feeling better?" She said

"Ya, um mom can you meet me at Starbucks in a few minuets to talk about my relationship?" I said as Paul rubbed my back

"Oh sure!! Is ian coming?" She said very excitedly

"No that's the problem" I said

"Oh okay il see you in 10 bye" my mom said as I hung up the phone.

I tried to get out of bed but my back started to feel tight so I told Paul.

"Ugh my back" I said while rubbing it

"Let me" Paul said while pulling my shirt up in the back

He started to massage my back,it felt so good. After a few seconds of him massaging my back I felt Paul starting to place little kisses going up my back, I quickly turned around so that I was facing and started to kiss him softly.

"You should get ready to go and see you mom" Paul said pulling away

"Can you come with me" I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him slowly

"I don't know if that's the best idea, you and your mom should have a little talk. Just the two of you." He said

"Fine" I said as I unwrapped my arms from his neck

I gave Paul one last kiss before I got up and left to go and see my mom.

Paul's POV

Nina left to go and see her mom so I decided to do a little surprise for her to show her how much I love her since she hasn't been feeling the best these past few days. I got dressed then went downstairs to set up her little surprise.

*1 hour later*

I just finished making super for my neens and I.




Hey il be home in 1 hour. love you xoxo<3

I decided to make a romantic diner for just the two if us so that we could have a little romantic time together.

I need to make this diner prefect for my nina. My nina......i like the sound of that, I hope she will stay my nina forever.

I placed candles around and on the table with wine in the middle of the table. I lit all of the candles then I turned off the lights. Once I finished I put on a nice suit then I went outside to wait for nina to come back home.

Nina's POV

During my talk with my mom I explained to her that Ian and I are no longer together but that we are still talking and everything fine,also that Paul and I are together and that I love him and think that he is the one I want to spend the rest of my life with.

My mom has always loved Paul so it wasn't that hard telling her about our relationship. the one thing that I couldn't tell my mom was that I'm pregnant, I just couldn't say it to her.

I pulled up to my house and saw my very handsome boyfriend waiting for me outside.

"Well hello there handsome" I said as I walked up to him

"Hello neens" he said as he kissed my lips softly

"that was nice" I said smiling as i kissed his lips again

"How about we take this inside" he said as he opend the door

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