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Nina's POV

I woke up with my head on Paul's chest. I laid there for awhile smiling, 'I can't believe I can finally call him my boyfriend' I said to myself

I can't believe that me and Paul had sex!

I don't regret any thing thought.

*the next day*

I was at home in bed texting Paul until I heard my door bell ringing like crazy so I got up and ran to the door.

"Hey Claire!" I said

"So I bet you've heard about how Paul is dating someone now" she said

"" I said trying to not tell her just yet

"Save it nina! I wish you would of told me!....I had to find out from Candice"

"I am soo sorry Claire the only reason why I told her is because once we made it official she showed up at my house and he was there and it kind of just slipped out"

"You still could of told me! I tell you everything nina" I'm sorry I said almost in tears

"Nina....I'm not mad" she said giving me a hug

"I know it's just I promised him that I wouldn't tell any one yet and knowing Candice she will probably tell everyone" I said crying on Claire's shoulder

"Don't worry nina il talk to her" Claire said

"Okay thank you!" I said whipping my eyes with a Kleenex

After Claire left I texted kat to see if she wanted to go see a movie with me.



Hay kitty kat! I haven't seen you in a while and I was wondering if you would like to go and see a movie with me later tonight or tomorrow. Love you xxxx

Right away kat texted me back



Hey nina!! I've missed you sooooooo much, I would love to and see a movie with you. How about tomorrow night? Love you xxxxxx

*two weeks later*

It's the first day back at work after our 2 weeks off. Paul and I still haven't told Ian about us being together we said that we would wait a bit to tell him. I was sitting I my dressing room texting kat telling her how much I miss her because we had to cancel our movie date lest week so we haven't seen each other for about a month now but at least she has some scenes tomorrow so we will be seeing each other tomorrow.

I got up to leave my dressing room to go and practice my lines with Steven but when I opened the door of my dressing room I had a little surprise.

"Hey neens!" Paul said holding something behind him

"Hey Paul!" I said giving him a kiss

"I have a little present for you!" He said pulling out a bouquet of the most gorgeous flowers I have ever seem.

"Oh my gosh Paul!! I love them!" I said going to get water for the flowers.

Paul and I talked and of course kissed for a bit until I remembered that I had to go practice my lines with Steven.

"Paul i am so sorry but I have to go see Steven but we can Finnish up later." I said giving him a kiss

"Okay il see you later" he said getting up

Paul left my dressing room then. I started to walk over to Steven's dressing room. Once I got there I knocked on the door. A couple of seconds later he opened the door

" hey Nina" he said

" hey ready to go over the next scene?"

" ya sure thing, just let me grab my script"

I walked into the dressing room so we could go over the lines. It was this really important scene, where lots of stuff going on in it. We went over our lines for about 1 hour until Julie said that we can all go home early today. So Paul came and caught a ride with me. We decided that we would spend some time alone at my house for awhile, once we got to my place Paul and I ordered some pizza.

"What should we do?" I asked

"How about we go and cuddle on the couch and watch your favourite movie" Paul said

"Sure I would love that" I said

Then Paul picked me up bridal style and brought me up to my room to watch our movie

Paul's POV

Nina and I are watching her favourite movie and cuddling, tonight is going perfect.

Until I started getting call from Ian asking if he can come over tonight. Nina and I still haven't told him about us.

"Nina" I said sitting up

"Yea?" She asked looking confused

"I can't do this any more he's my best friend I think that we should tell him" I said

"We'll I guess we can but won't he get mad?" She asked

"Hopefully he will understand"

I called Ian and asked him if he could come over at about 7:30 to talk and of course he said that he would so nina and I got out of bed and got ready for him to come.


Nina and I are waiting for Ian to show up so we can tell him about us.

"I hope he understands" nina said giving a tight hug

"He will......don't worry" I said hugging her back

And then the door bell rung, nina walked to the door.

"Hello" he said

"Hi....we need to talk to you" nina said

"Okay....." He said

"Nina and are.......together" I said

"What do you mean together!?" He asked

"Like we are dating" I said

"Ummm........I have to go......bye Paul il see you later" he said leaving the house.

Wow I thought Ian would get this, like we didn't mean to it just sorta happen.

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