Fall dance

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A/N thank you guys SOSO much for 5K reads!!

Paul's POV

I opened the door to see Nina standing there in an outfit that left me speechless.

"Wow" I said softly

"Do you like?" she asked

"Yes!" I said as she came into my house

**later that day**

Nina and I spent a bit of the day on my couch laying together watching show and movies while eating a bunch of sweets.

'Beep beep' Nina's phone went off

"Shitt!" She said under her breath

"What?" I asked

"Candice just reminded me about this fall dance that I promised her I would go to" she said

"Ok, well why don't you go and get ready for it" I said as she got up

"Fine. but I would rather spend my night with you" she said as I walked her to the door

"You can see me tomorrow, now go have fun with your girls" I said as she left

Nina's POV

I just left Paul's house to go to the dance with Candice and Kat and their dates. I was going to ask Paul to be my date but it seamed like it was to early to asks him since we just got back together.

Anyways I quickly drove to Candice's house because she was mad that I was late.

I ran out of my car and rang on her door bell.

"Nina!!" Kat yelled

"Hey!" I said

We walked up to Candice's room where she was doing her make up.

"Sorry I'm late" I said

I quickly put in some makeup then Candice handed me my dress.

"Wow, it's gorgeous candice" I said as she handed me the dress.

"I picked it out specially for you" she said

"Thanks candice" I said as I left

**going to the dance**

The girls and I walked outside in our beautiful dresses. Kat had a gorgeous light purple long dress that went down to her feet, her dress also had long sleeves that were lace.
Candice was waring an beautiful pink dress that landed just under her knees, and her sleeves where also long but with gems all over them.
And finally I was waring a black dress that went down to my knees, the sleeves were long like the rest of the girls but mine had sparkles a lover the sleeves and a bit all over the dress. and at the back there was a cut out of a heart.

The girls and I all went into the limo that Ian and some guy that Kat recently met came in to pick us up in.

Paul's POV

Since Nina left I kept on getting texts from Kat and Ian telling me that I should show up at the dance tonight. I don't know if it's ok to just show up on Nina since we just got back together like yesterday, but I ended up giving in and telling Ian to pick me up on the way to the dance.

I quickly got dressed into my all black tuxedo then I went to buy some purple roses for my Nina. Once I came back to my house the limo arrived at my house.

"Come in dude!" I heard Ian shout

I walked over to the limo with the flowers in front of my chest.

The limo driver slowly opened the door to revile my gorgeous Nina smiling and tearing up at the same time after seeing me and the flowers.

Nina's POV

I was so excited and happy that Paul showed up, that surprise made me even more excited for this dance.

**at the dance**

We all got out of the limo and walked into the dance.

"Can I?" Paul said as he handed me my flowers and held out his hand.

"You may" I said as I took his hand.

Seconds later a slow song began to play. I put one arm on Paul's shoulder and held his hand with my other. we dance for awhile until Paul broke the silence.

"I love your dress" he said

"Thank you! your tux is on point" I said while laughing

"I try" he said while laughing

**after the dance**

Once the dance ended Paul and I decided to say goodbye to everyone and go home together instead of with the group.

**at Paul's house**

Paul and I decided to chill at his house for awhile.

We both went strait to his living room to cuddle up and watch some shows together.

Paul's POV

Nina and I just came back to my house to cuddle and watch some of our favourite shows for a few hours.

2 hours later Nina fell asleep on my chest so I decided to just carry her up to my room to sleep for the night.

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