Date with torrey

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Paul's POV

I put on a dark bleu v-neck tee shirt with dark was jeans and went out to the car where Torrey waited for me.

"Hey" she said

Torrey is warring a black long sleeve lace shirt with dark wash skinny jeans.

"Hey" I said while smiling

I got into the car and we instantly started talking like we were best friends.

"We're here" Torrey said as she pulled up to a very nice restaurant.

"Wow this place looks nice" I said as she grabbed her bag and got out of the car.

"Yeah I've been wanting to come here for months now, but I don't know who to go with" she said

"Oh, well I'm always free" I said as she smiled

We walked into the restaurant and sat down at a table for two. Then waitress come with two giant menus.

Nina's POV

Last night I couldn't stop thinking about Tyler and how sweet he is. I decided to call Claire and tell her all about Tyler.

"Hey Nina!!" Claire said sounding very happy

"Hey Claire" I said

"Why haven't you called me lately?" She asked

"Sorry I've been really busy these past days" I said "anyways I have some very exciting news!!" I said while sounding much too excited.

"Omg tell me everything" she said

"Well you know that Paul look a like" I said

"Yea!" She said

"Well his name is Tyler and we went on a date thing yesterday" I said almost shouting.

"Omg!!!!" Claire said pretty much screaming "so you like him?"

"Yea I kind of do" I said while blushing.

"I'm so happy for you, but I have to go sorry" she said then I said good bye and we hung up.

After talking to Claire I decided that I should talk to paul so I diled his number and in three someone answered.

"Hello" said a very feminine voice

"Umm who is this?" I asked

"Torrey" she said

Paul's POV

After Torrey and I ordered we talked for a while until our food came.

"Il be back" I said as I got up to go to the washroom.

Once I walked out of the washroom I saw Torrey on a phone.

I walked up to the table and saw she was on my phone.

"Sorry it was ringing so I decided to answer it" she said while handing me the phone.

"Hello" I said right as the person on the other line hung up.

"Umm. Who was that" I questioned

"Nina why" she said while she played with her hair

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