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The next day I woke up with a huge headache, I couldn't remember anything that happen last night.

I got up and looked in the mirror. My haute was in almost every direction possible. I grabbed my phone and put on my favourite song that always got me moving 'move' by little mix.

I jumped into the shower and quickly washed up since I smelled like old beer.

After my shower I decided to call Julie so that she could book my flight for next week.

"Hey Julie" I shouted over my music

"Nina? Hey!" She said as candice said hi in the back "what can I do for you? She added

"I was just calling to ask you if you booked the flight yet? " I asked

"Im on it right now, will Monday be ok?" She asked

"Yup perfect! I have to go talk to you later" I said

"K bye!" Julie said then I answered back.

As soon as I hung up I put on my favourite purple maxi dress with a nice gold necklace.

Paul called almost seconds later.

"Hey neens!" He said

"Hiya paul! What's up?" I asked

"I'm was wondering if we could spend some more time together?" He asked

"Sorry, I can't I'm packing all day" I said while sounding more sad then I actually am.

"Oh, for what?" He said

"I'm going back to LA tomorrow" I said

"Oh you never told me that" he said

"Sorry but I have to go" I said then hung up.

Paul's POV

I thought after last night Nina would be willing to get fully back together.

Now she's leaving back to LA after I came all this way, why can't we just go back to normal.

I sat on my hotel bed with my iPad looking at websites for the next available flight back to LA.


Today was the day. I'm going to start my life over again.

I walked to Nina's front door, her parents were crying as they kissed her and hugged her 1 billion times.

"We're going to miss you so much! Call us as soon as you get back home" I heard her mom say as she hugged Nina

"Ok ok, I have to go bye" she said as she waved at me.

We walked to my car were she placed all of her bags.

"Are you ready?" She asked

"More then il ever be" I said as I smiled and held her hand

We arrived at the airport 20 minuets later. the car ride was fun, Nina and I talked about Christmas in a few days and about how excited she was to see her friends.

We both sat in very uncomfortable chairs as we waited for our plain to get called.

"ONE MINUTE TILL THE FIVE OCLOCK FLIGHT TO LOS ANGELES" the girl on the speaker shouted.

Nina and I get up and walked to the plane.


Before Nina and I knew it we were back home, ready for everything to be normal.
"I'm so glad you came!" Nina said with a smile

"So am I" I said as I held her hand.

"Can you spend the night with me? I don't want to be alone just yet" Nina said as I almost instantly replied 'yes'

"Thank you" she said as we got out off my car.

We both ran into her house got ready for bed and passed out due to the time changes.

A/N HEY GUYS! I'm sorry I haven't written I've had writers block and I didn't know what to write. so I you have any ideas comment below or message me! Well anyways I'm sorry and comment and vote, thank you!

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