Chapter 6 : Maybe Not...

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"Now, explain things to me calmly. If I think it is rational for you to go to the airport, I will personally send you there. Deal?" I asked as I eyed three guys in front of me.

"You know our parents got divorced right? So yeah, one stays in UK with my dad, one stays in Thailand, raised by my grandfather since he thinks my Mae can't do a proper job. Lawliet is my Dad's family name. Traipipattanapong is my Mae's family name. Then..." he started to rumble all over the place.

"Yes, you explained that to me last night. Then why did you have your Phi's passport? And why are you so desperate to go to the airport?" I asked for more details.

"Er, actually. We came here since Gulf is going back to UK. But he accidentally left his passport when they meet a few days back," Techno explained.

"Aw? Gulf is going back today?" I asked, totally shocked.

Don't he realize he lost his wallet?

"Y...yeah. That's why we need his passport," Boat support Techno's answer while Klawut looked totally pissed off.

"Then, let's go together. I need to see him. Er... and returned his wallet," I made my final decision.

"YOU WHAT?!" suddenly Klawut screams, completely shocked.

"Well, I told you last night, isn't it? I liked your older brother," I rubbed my nape nervously.

"YOU WHAT?!" Techno and Boat scream.

Just what's wrong with them?


Gulf POV

Fuck, I am totally screwed!

We are now on our way to the airport to give Kanawut Lawliet his passport.

While I'm fucking sitting inside this fucking car!

I then threw a death stare to Techno and Boat.

I am so gonna kill both of you! 

You Bloody Traitor!

Now, how am I going to be Kanawut and Klawut at the same time?

At the airport...

"Where is Gulf?" Khun Mew asked as he looked around.

I nervously looked at Techno and Boat.

"Klawut, didn't you say you need to go to the toilet?" Techno asked while giving me a hand signal.

"Me? Oh, yeah. hahaha. Er, P'No, can you call P'Gulf for me?" I then walked to the toilet, followed by Boat.

As soon as I walked into the toilet, I looked at Boat.

"Now what?!" I asked him, totally annoyed.

"Change your clothes," he said as he handed me a bag.

"Fuck you guys!" I cuss before I walked into the stall and get changed.

I then walked out. Boat immediately handed me a wig. I snatched it from his hand angrily, looked at the mirror, and fixed it to my usual hairstyle.

"Done. Happy?" I asked cynically.

"Let's go out and bring Kanawut," Boat said with a cheeky smile on his face.



"Aw, Boat already meets Gulf at McDonald's," Techno said as he was looking at his smartphone.

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