Chapter 4 : Almost Fucked Up

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Gulf POV

I'm now at the  Lhong Tou Cafe with Techno and Boat. As we take our seats...

"Ay Cloud!" some unknown guy keep on waving at me.

"Whose 'Cloud'?" I asked Techno.

"'s Klawut's stage name when he plays as the drummer for 'Catalyst'," Techno answered awkwardly.

"HE WHAT?!" I snapped.

"Calm down, Ai'Gulf!" Boat tried his luck to calm me down.

"How the fuck am I going to calm down? You said he stays low? And now you are saying he plays for a fucking band?" I was fuming.

"Look," Techno then took out his smartphone.

"When he performs on stage, he wears contact lenses, makeup, and earrings

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"When he performs on stage, he wears contact lenses, makeup, and earrings. And most of his fans didn't even know that 'Klawut' and 'Cloud' is the same person. So chill, Na?" Techno explained.

"Then how do you explain that guy is calling me 'Cloud' just now?" I asked as I tried to calm myself down.

"I think he works at AINU bar. The bar Catalyst always performs during the weekend," Boat says as he looked at the guy.

"So there are still people who know how Klawut looks like when he didn't wear his contact lens and makeup, isn't it?" I asked as I gently massage my temple.

"Chill, Klawut already inform the owner of the bar! Most likely, that guy thought he saw Klawut, that's why he called you but didn't actually come here!" Techno tried to be rational.

"Better be!" I said as I open up the menu.



I just came back from dinner with Tum and now laying lazily on my bed.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

Fuck, it's Mae!

"Sawade Khrup, Mae," I picked it up despite I could figure out why she's calling me.

"Mew! Why didn't you come to the restaurant? And why didn't you picked up my calls? Do you know how many times I called you?" she starts to nag.

"Mae, I was a bit busy with my class and my lecturer. As for the blind date, I did come, but he didn't turn up. What else I can do?" I tried to save myself.

"Are you playing with me? He went there and waited for you for 1 hour! Well, whatever. I still want you to meet him. I have an event with his Mae tomorrow night. Make sure you came!" she warned me.

"Yes, Mae. I will, Na?" I tried to end the call as soon as I could.

Then Klawut came into our room.

"Yes, Mae. I will, Na? Alright. I'll see you tomorrow," and he ended the call with a heavy sigh.

We then eyed each other awkwardly.

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