Chapter 17 : Closer

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Gulf POV

"Alright, everyone is here right? Music Team on the right, Acting Team on the left," Prof. Thorn starts the meeting.

"Khun Kanawut, why are you still standing beside Sir Suppasit? Get on the left!" suddenly he instructs.


"On the left? Why should I stand on the left? I didn't pass..."

"Hoi, did you even read the whole name list? You are listed under the Acting Team, you brat!" Prof. Thorn dropped the bomb.


"Hoi, are you still sleeping? You passed the audition and will be practicing under the Acting Team, Khun Kanawut! Now stop being confused and get on the left side!" Prof. Thorn urged.

Still feeling confused, I stand on the left side of the hall with the others.

"From now on, all of you will be going through intensive training under a special schedule. For the Music Team, you will be trained by Prof. Alex and Prof. Thana. You can follow them to the studio. For the Acting Team, you will be trained by Prof. Tao and Dr. Arissa," Prof. Thorn start briefing before the other lecturer introduces themselves.

While I can't keep my focus on them, still shocked by the news.


"Khun Kanawut, seriously...are you still sleeping?" suddenly Prof. Thorn asked.

", Khorthot Khrup," I apologize immediately, take the script Dr. Arrisa was holding and tried to focus on the briefing.

"As you know, this performance revolves on Dreams and Love. Where the male lead will leave the girl he loves to pursue his dream. Thinking that love isn't as important as his dream. So far, any question?" he paused.

"That's good. It doesn't suit me to weep and wail because of love. Career is..." suddenly, a familiar guy shares his thought.

Where did I meet him?

"Did anyone say you are the male lead?" Prof. Thorn questions him.

"If it isn't me, who would? To be honest, is there any suitable candidate here other than me?" he questioned back.


This guy has the guts!

"It will be decided based on your performance during the training. Before we get into formal training, you will first receive foundation training. So don't get ahead of yourself. ANYONE, who WORK HARD will have a chance to be the main lead. For today, we will start with vocal training with Prof. Tao," Prof. Thorn then step back before a female lecturer takes his place.

"Sawadee Ka, I'm Prof. Tao which I think most of you who are from my major would know. Without further due, why not we split into a smaller group and loosen up our vocal cords for a bit?" she then started to walk around the hall, approaching the student.

"Khun Kanawut, why not you joined us?" a familiar girl approached me.


It's Eye and her friend, Mai!

"Oh, sure. Kob Khun Khrup," I thanked her.

Well, at least I know someone!

 "Woah, you really looked like your brother, Klawut!" both of them were busy staring at my face.

"Y...yeah, I get that a lot," I could simply chuckle awkwardly.

"Next!" the professor called our group next to the grand piano.

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