p.s: you're everything to me

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dear luke,

apparently "later" means three days.
three whole days, luke!

do you know how sick i felt? just genuinely sick of everything. of the lies and of myself, but never of you. because no matter how hard i try, i can't get sick of you. even though i want to so bad.

remember in the eleventh grade when you had a girlfriend? her name was cecilia, but you always called her cici. i hated that nickname, it was terrible.

but at the time, you were so happy. you smiled all of the time and you have such a lovely smile. i warned you that she was no good, but you didn't believe me. why didn't you believe me?

maybe it was the way you looked at her. all starstruck and dreamy, like she was the most beautiful creature you had ever laid eyes on.

and i hated her so much.

i wanted you to look at me that way. i wanted you to see me in that light, but you didn't and you don't.

i remember when you two broke up. when you caught her upstairs at harrison's party with leighton. you were devastated. but you came running all the way to me and we spent the evening up in the tree house, even though we hadn't been in there for years.

you're beautiful even when you cry, luke.

i never want to see you sad again, ever. i want to be the one to make you smile and to laugh and to hold you when you're sad.

please, just come home, luke.

love always, cal.

p.s: you're everything to me

love always, cal ➳ cakeWhere stories live. Discover now