a time for talking » tree house

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Luke: (climbs into the wooden tree house, automatically feeling the tension in the air) um, hey.

Calum: (sitting on the window seat) hello (looks down at his shoes, swinging his legs forward and backward)

Luke: (sighs) are you okay to discuss all of this? (bites his lip)

Calum: (nods, patting the seat beside him) come sit.

Luke: (shuffles across the floor, carefully sitting on the seat) i just wanted to say that i'm really sorry. really, really sorry. i didn't know that you felt this way, that all of those things were happening.

Calum: don't be so sorry, luke, because you didn't know. that's my fault, i didn't tell you and maybe i should have. it would have made this easier.

Luke: (questioning) would you have told me? if i didn't find that journal, would you have said something?

Calum: (unsure) i... i don't know, luke. you know how all of this is making me feel. i was so afraid to tell you because i was afraid you would leave.

Luke: calum, you're my best mate (reaches out cautiously, places a hand on Calum's shoulder) i wouldn't leave you, i won't.

Calum: do you mean that?

Luke: (rolls his eyes) of course i mean it. no more secrets, okay? no more lies. let's be honest and open with one another from this moment on.

Calum: (nods in approval) yeah, that's a good idea.

Luke: those letters, why did you decide to write them in the first place?

Calum: when you first left, all of my emotions were seemingly heightened. i felt really sad and lost, i'm so accustomed to being around you. i knew that you would be busy a lot and that you wouldn't be available to talk as much, but i didn't want that. so, i thought the letters might help me to feel close to you still.

Luke: (upset) you drank away your feelings, do you understand how dangerous that was? you can't do things like that on your own.

Calum: (apologetic) i'm sorry, i told you that i was in a dark place.

Luke: um. i am sorry about not believing you when it came to cici, i thought she was good for me at first. you were right, you're always right.

Calum: (shakes his head) that's so far in the past, it doesn't matter anymore.

Luke: no, calum, it does matter. it matters to me.

Calum: (looks up, their eyes meeting) it's okay, i forgive you.

Luke: i don't know why, i'm such a fuck up. i can't believe i told you all of those terrible things while i was on tour, you didn't need to know. i am such a horrible person.

Calum: (sighs) you didn't know that it was affecting me so much.

Luke: (shaking his head) i'm the worst friend there could possibly be.

Calum: no, you aren't. you are amazing and lovely and wonderful and i adore you.

Luke: (surprised) i'm not used to hearing that sort of thing.

Calum: luke, whether you choose to accept it or not, i am hopelessly in love with you. i will love you for as long as you will allow me to and then on after, endlessly and unconditionally, always.

Luke: (emotional) i just can't believe this, i'm speechless, really. just... thank you.

Calum: (confused) why are you thanking me?

Luke: for never giving up on me. for loving me, you're truly wonderful.

author's note: hi, i'm back with an update! i'm sorry that this wasn't posted sooner but the character ask took over an hour to write and that wore me down. and, as you can see, i changed the style of writing on this again. i think this will make it easier for everyone to read. and because i changed it, i had to go back and edit every other chapter. which took quite some time. but now you have an update and i hope that you enjoy it! luke and calum still have a long way to go!

love always, cal ➳ cakeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ