the first night » luke's bedroom

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(the same night, luke's bedroom. calum and luke are sat cross legged, facing one another on either side of the bed)

Luke: (randomly) i'm really sorry, cal.

Calum: (confused) for what?

Luke: (bites his lip) for everything, i guess. (looks up at calum) you're not mad, are you?

Calum: (shaking his head) no, luke, never. i can't be mad at you.

Luke: (smiling) you're great (yawning) i'm so fucking jet lagged, what time is it?

Calum: (unlocks his phone, the screen illuminating the time) it's only just after six.

Luke: (with wide eyes) ugh, it feels like midnight. (groaning) i'm dying here.

Calum: (quietly) you can go to bed if you want.

Luke: (quickly) no! i mean no, not yet. (hesitantly) are you staying?

Calum: (nervous) i hadn't planned on it. (questioning) do you want me to? i can just shoot my mum a text, no big deal.

Luke: (smiles) yeah, if you want to.

Calum: (unlocks his phone and types a quick message to his mum) there, done! (laughs) i don't think she expected me home anyways.

Luke: (yawns) get the light, yeah? (rubs his eyes) top and tail?

Calum: (crossing the room to flip the light switch) yeah, i figured we would (closes the bedroom door and stumbles back to the bed).

Luke: (removing his jeans) how many pillows do you want?

Calum: (sitting on the bed, tugging his own jeans down) um, two. (jokingly) you have like, a hundred anyways.

Luke: (playfully hits calum with a pillow) here!

Calum: (groans) asshole! (fluffs the pillow at the end of the bed) the other one?

Luke: (smacks him with the second pillow) greedy bastard (laughs)

Calum: (crawls onto the bed, rests his head onto the pillows and pulls the duvet over his body) keep your feet away from my face this time.

Luke: (tucks himself under the duvet, rolling onto his side) i will, i will! (whispering) good night, cal.

Calum: (smiles) good night, luke.

| later that night, two a.m |

Luke: (nudging calum who is asleep and snoring) cal, hey. wake up, please. (whines) cal!

Calum: (grumbles, swatting luke) g'way!

Luke: (desperate) no, cal, please. i need you.

Calum: (rubs his eyes, propping himself up on his forearms) wha' wrong?

Luke: (perched on the bed, sitting on his legs) i, um, wow. i'm so stupid (shaking his head) you're going to make fun of me.

Calum: (sits up fully) luke, i'm not going to make fun of you.

Luke: (hesitantly) um, i just... i had a nightmare, okay? (embarrassed) i'm scared.

Calum: (grabs his pillows and places them at the head of the bed next to luke's) lay back down.

Luke: (carefully lays down, his head resting on his own set of pillows) what are you doing?

Calum: (crawls up the length of the bed, plopping down onto his own set of pillows next to luke) keeping you safe (rolls onto his side so his back is facing the open room).

Luke: (smiles) this is why we're best friends.

Calum: (fighting back tears) right, best friends. (whispering) good night, luke.

Luke: (sighs) good night, calum.

love always, cal ➳ cakeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن