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Calum »

Q: Do you still love Luke even after he has read your letters?

A: Absolutely, I don't think I could ever stop loving him.

Q: I love you

A: I love you as well!

Q: how are you doing, babe?

A: I feel sick to my stomach, but I think it's just nerves. I'm hanging in there, though.

Q: What would you do if Luke felt the same way?

A: I would be overjoyed, I would give anything to be with him. But, Luke is straight, so there are no chances.

Q: If Luke didn't see your journal would you have told him in a different way?

A: I would like to think that I would tell him, but I'm really not sure. I'm very scared because I don't want to lose him. I'm sure eventually I would have said something.

Q: How are you doing? Need a cuddle, food, a movie?

A: I'm doing a bit better than I was, but I'm nervous. Meeting up with Luke has me on edge, I'm unsure as to how this will go.

Q: What would you do if Luke asked you out?

A: I would say yes, a million times, yes.

Q: How did you first know you liked Luke? Do you think of him when you... you know...?

A: I knew that I liked Luke roughly around the eighth grade. I just started to see him in a different light. And do you mean when I masturbate? Oh my, um, well I have before. This is so embarrassing.

Luke »

Q: Do you like Calum as more than a friend?

A: I have never thought of him as more. I didn't know that he felt this way, either. I mean, there were times when I thought that I liked him a little more, but I don't know.

Q: Are you going to tell Calum that you like him?

A: I don't know how I feel about this entire situation. He's my best mate, he always has been. He and I just really need to talk this through.

Q: Did you expect Calum to like you?

A: Honestly, no. I feel so stupid for not noticing it before. After reading the letters, it all kind of hit me. I realized all those times, when he said those things through text, what it really meant.

Q: Did you know Calum was in love with you?

A: No, he and I always had a close relationship. We would joke around a lot. We hugged and cuddled, too, unlike most boys would do. But it was natural, it felt normal. I didn't realize that it was any thing more for him.

Q: Why do you think Joy and Mali wouldn't let you see Calum?

A: I think they were simply being supportive. He really did need time to himself to sort out his thoughts, but I was so worried for him. I never want anything to happen to him, ever.

Q: How are you holding up?

A: I'm better than I expected, I haven't cried since the initial fight, but I'm a pretty strong guy. I mostly just feel guilty.

Q: Do you like Calum?

A: He is my best mate, of course I do, but I don't know if it's anything more.

Q: How do you feel about Calum?

A: I love him as a person and as a friend, that will never change.

Mali »

Q: Good job keeping Luke from Calum

A: Thank you, I was just looking out for him.

Q: Keep doing what you can to keep Calum happy.

A: I will. As his big sister, that's my job.

Q: Thoughts on Luke?

A: I have always liked him. He is like another little brother to me and I can't be angry with him because of this. He truly didn't know, but I hope that he finds a way to make things right.

Q: Cake

A: Like, birthday cake?

Q: Do you ship cake?

A: No, but I've baked a cake before.

Joy »

Q: Did you know Calum liked Luke? Did he ever tell you?

A: Yes, I knew. Calum had told me before and we have had long discussions about Luke and how Calum feels before. I want the best for my son, I don't want him to be hurt.

Q: How is Cal doing?

A: He hid away in his bedroom through most of the day. I think he's just trying to figure things out. Mali and I have been watching over him to make sure nothing happens to him.

Q: Thoughts of Luke at the moment?

A: I have always loved him as if he were my own and I still do. He's a great lad, but I hope he doesn't hurt Calum anymore.

Q: Can you adopt me please?

A: Won't your family miss you?

Q: Can you please be my mom?

A: You already have a mother, someone had to have birthed you.

Liz »

Q: How is your DNA so great?

A: Genetics

Q: How did you give birth to an angel?

A: Would you like a detailed description on how a woman gives birth?

Q: Do you have perfection in your DNA?

A: My son is quite lovely, isn't he?

Me, the author »

Q: When is cake going to happen?

A: Stay tuned and you'll find out.

Q: Hi, you're cute.

A: Hi, thank you so much!

Q: Why are you so awesome?

A: Oh my, if you knew me in real life you wouldn't think that. I'm just an average teenage girl.

Q: Will Michael or Ashton have appearances in this book?

A: No, I don't plan on including them.

Q: How are you such an amazing writer?

A: I'm really not, but I have been writing for seven years now so that may have something to do with it. If you like this book, be sure to read my others!

Q: Cake is love, Cake is life.

A: Yes, yes it is!

Q: Can we be friends?

A: Absolutely!

Thank you all so much for asking questions. Enjoy these answers and there should be an update tomorrow! We will soon find out how Luke really feels and where things are heading for Calum and Luke. LAVA YOU LOTS! xx

love always, cal ➳ cakeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin