banding » luke inquires

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(in the home of Ashton Irwin, luke's band mate. Ashton and Luke are joined by band mate Michael Clifford, all sat on leather sofas watching footage from their tour)

Luke: (nervous) hey lads, um, could i talk to you about something? it's a bit... it's important.

Ashton: (glances over at him) yeah, mate, of course (concerned) are you alright?

Luke: (bites his lip, toying with the metal ring pierced there) yeah, sort of. there's just something i want to tell you. you promise you won't get mad?

Michael: (curious now) luke, you know we won't, unless you destroyed my video games, (laughs) then i'll be mad.

Luke: (smiles) no, it's just that... fuck, why is this so hard to say? (under his breath) i'm gay.

Ashton: (coughs, breath caught in his throat) oh shi- are you sure? (sits up straighter, facing luke)

Luke: (nods) yeah, um, i've known for a really long time. i tried to fix it, but i can't make it go away.

Michael: (laughs) for fucks sake, luke! it's not a disease, you can't get rid of it. its a part of you, why would we be mad?

Luke: (unsure, quiet) i just thought maybe you wouldn't want to be my friend any more or band mate even.

Ashton: we still love you, luke, that's not going to change. sure, this is a lot to take in, but it's okay.

Michael: honestly, i'm just really fucking confused (curiously) on tour, you fucked those girls? the ones from the parties and that slut on the tour bus?

Luke: (ashamed) yeah, i slept with them. i don't think i was any good (sad) i thought that if i dated girls and slept with them that i could fix myself, but i can't.

Ashton: (places a hand on luke's shoulder) luke, you can't fix yourself because there isn't anything wrong with you.

Luke: no, there is something wrong with me. i keep fucking up, i keep breaking his damn heart.

Michael: (brow furrows) his? who is he?

Luke: (turns to Michael) you know Calum?

Michael: (nods) that bloke you wouldn't shut up about? yeah, what about him?

Luke: it's him. he is... he's something wonderful (smiling) and you know what's so great? he loves me back, he told me so.

Ashton: (knowingly) and you haven't told him, have you?

Luke: (shakes his head) he has no idea and that's the problem! i keep breaking his heart, i keep ruining things (strained) he won't ever want to be with me now.

Ashton: if he loves you then he will want to be with you.

Michael: (serious) luke, it's now or never. don't wait or you may just miss your chance. go.

Luke: (confused) go?

Michael: (laughs) yes, fucktard, go! go now!

Luke: (stands up, nervous) now? are you sure?

Ashton: (stands up, playfully shoving luke) get your ass out of my house and go get your man!

Luke: (smiles) i love you guys (hurries from the house to his car)

» i said i wasn't going to include ashton or michael in this, but then i came up with this idea and needed luke to have band mates. so yeah, there they are! luke is on his way to tell calum, how do you think it will go? let me know in the comments! lava you lots! «

love always, cal ➳ cakeWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt