welcome to new york » promises

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(Calum wakes early one morning to find that he is alone in his bed, Luke had been there when he fell asleep.)

Calum: (sleepy) lukey?

(Calum sits up and rubs at his tired eyes, adjusting Luke's tee shirt that he's wearing, attempting to cover his bare lower half)

Calum: (confused) Luke?

(he turns to see an envelope resting on the bedside table, "good morning, sweet prince" is scrawled across the white paper. he quickly opens it to find a short letter from Luke)

Dear Calum,

i'm sorry that you are waking up alone, i know you love a morning cuddle, but i am just downstairs preparing breakfast for you.

now, there are a few things i need you to do for me.

first, go on and have a hot shower, wake your self up a bit.

secondly, dress casually and then come downstairs to have breakfast with me. i'll be waiting for you.

after breakfast, we will go to your room and pack your suitcase together. i want to be sure you have everything you'll need.

you may be wondering why i am doing this. go on and have your shower then come meet me, i will explain everything.

i love you dearly.


Calum: (folds the letter and places it back into the envelope, quickly rising from his bed and heading straight for the stairs.)

(in the kitchen, Luke is setting the dining table, placing a bouquet of white roses in a vase that is placed in the center. he notices Calum's presence and lack of clothing)

Luke: (smiling, shaking his head) you didn't shower? i figured you wouldn't, you've always been impatient.

Calum: what's going on?

Luke: (pulls a chair out from under the table) come, sit down with me.

Calum: (sits in the chair, Luke then seating himself across the table) this is... amazing. what's the occasion?

(Luke simply smiles, handing Calum a plain white envelope)

Calum: (takes the envelope, opening it slowly and removing two pieces of thick paper) no... you... (realizes that the papers are plane tickets) we are going to new york?

Luke: (smiling) yes, that's if you still want to go. i promised i would take you so now i'm going to.

Calum: (squeals, jumping up from his chair and rushing to Luke, straddling his waist and hugging him tightly) i love you, i love you!

Luke: so is that a yes, you'll go?

Calum: yes, yes, yes! (kisses Luke passionately)

» so this is the last chapter that will be like this! there is ONE more chapter left so please stick around for that.

now that so much has changed for the characters, i want to do another character ask so i can tie up any loose ends.

comment questions below:






like last time, i'll leave this up for a little while and then answer all of the questions! also, thanks so much for 16k! «

love always, cal ➳ cakeWhere stories live. Discover now