Chapter 39: The Only Kind Of Running I Do

Start from the beginning

Aaron laughed and snaked his arm around my waist, and I felt like exploding and raining butterflies everywhere.

I was still getting used to this, him, showing me how he felt in front of everyone. He was my first boyfriend after all.

He noticed I was flustered and chuckled. "You're cute."

Shannon squealed, reminding me that she and Justin were still there. "You two are so precious!"

I only shook my head and snatched the bag of potato chips in front of her. The four of us ate and talked, sharing...or rather stealing one another's food.

"Morgan," a voice sneered.

Oh no.

"Well this is interesting," came another.

I lifted my gaze and saw Macy and Paige.

"Oh lookie here," Shannon said smugly. "Where's Sienna? Did she finally ditch you two and turn the three stooges into two?"

Paige smirked. "Play nice Shannon, play nice."

"It's rich how you two always find your way to harass us somehow," Shannon chuckled. "I'd say it's an unhealthy obsession."

Macy rolled her eyes. "You run your mouth a lot don't you?"

Shannon winked. "Sweetheart that's the only kind of running I do."

Macy opened her mouth but Paige stopped her. "Don't bother...she'll get what's coming to her."

"Is that a threat Paige?" I asked, finally speaking.

She just smirked, and then she walked away, Macy trotting behind her.

"She's um...interesting," Aaron remarked.

"And hot," Justin added.

Shan smacked his head. "You know where else is hot? Hell. Get with her and that's where she'll take you."

I laughed, and then the bell rang.

"Well gotta go," Justin said quickly. "Can't land myself another detention."

He gathered his stuff and nodded, leaving.

Shannon got up too. "I just don't want to third wheel you guys while you suck face."

I stuck my tongue out at her and she winked, making sure to annoy Aaron by ruffling his hair before leaving.

Aaron chuckled. "I'll meet you at the park?"

I nodded. "Mhm."

He tucked my hair behind my ear and leaned closer. "And I'll be thinking of you the entire time till then."

I smiled. "Aaron? People are here."

"Morgan? I don't care," he smirked, before placing his lips on mine.

I couldn't function properly whenever he kissed me.

"I'll see you," I said.

He chuckled and placed one more kiss on my forehead. "That you will."

He left and I smiled to myself. Sometimes I worried that I may be falling too fast.

Oh who was I kidding. I'd already fallen pretty hard.

I sighed. Damn you Aaron.


After meeting Aaron in the park I went home. I stepped into the living room and was met with a pleasant surprise.

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