Chapter 64: Someday

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There will be two epilogues after this, so stay tuned for those too.

64. Someday

"I need your help. I'm pregnant."

I stood there, processing the words Paige had just uttered.

"Is it Cole's?" was the first question I asked.

She nodded.

"Where is he?"

"I don't know," she croaked. "He wants nothing to do with me. No one's seen him this past week, he didn't even show up for graduation."

So he cheats, is a pervert, and a scumbag. Triple threat I see. How nice.

"What about your parents?" I asked. "No offence Paige, but we're not in high school anymore. You can raise a child without worrying about missing third period Algebra. You have the resources. And what about Macy? Why are you asking me for help?"

I didn't want to give her my pity. She didn't deserve my pity. I wanted to leave the uncomfortable situation, but she stopped me.

"I told my parents after the ceremony," she continued to sob. "My dad couldn't even look at me, and my mom said the only money they were going to spend on me was going to be for my education and future. This wasn't a part of that."

Damn it. She was making it hard.

I folded my arms, still not showing any sign of sympathy even though I was beginning to cave. "That still doesn't answer my last question. Why me? After everything you've done, did you really expect me to feel sorry for you?"

"No," she admitted softly. "I told Macy, all she said was that she was leaving for a summer program for freshmen at Yale next week. This isn't something she wants to deal with."

"Well," I muttered. "When you put a knife through people's backs too often eventually someone's going to take it from you and stab you in yours."

I felt sorry for her, but she needed to understand that actions had their consequences. You can't be a bitch and expect life to gift you with people who would have your back.

"You're a good person Morgan," she told me. "I know that, so I came to you. I don't have anyone else."

"A good person?" I questioned. "I hate to break it to you Paige, but that's not going to cut it. You don't fuck people over and then expect them to help you because they're good people. Frankly it's manipulative. That's not how life works."

"I know I messed up-"

"Messed up?" I interrupted. "No Paige, you more than messed up. You spent the entire school year going out of your way to make me miserable. You got me all worked up so I would start fights. You knew about my relationship with my mom and you used that to cause an even bigger rift between us. You made fun of my mental health on one too many occasions. For crying out loud you turned my boyfriend's life upside down just so you could prove a point. And you know the sickest part? I don't even know why? You did all of that for what?!"

"I was jealous okay?" she sobbed.

I shook my head. "Please, save that excuse. The only reason I can think of as to why a person would do all those things is if they hated whoever they did it to. And Paige, I know we didn't see eye to eye on a lot of things, but I honestly wonder more times than I care to admit, what I did to you to make you hate me that much."

"I don't hate you Morgan," she said through her tears. "I envy you, okay? I don't know if you remember, but we were good friends once, before all the drama of high school."

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