Chapter 28: I'm About To Descend Into Armageddon

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28. I'm About To Descend Into Armageddon

Well, my grandmother was right, and where there was a will, there was definitely a way. This woman had single handedly hauled all of our asses to the house. And for the first time in a long time, we were all in the house at the same time. Even dad.

This was a big deal.

This didn't happen often.

My phone rang and I smiled when I saw it was Aaron.

I liked that he always called me. He didn't need to worry about me so much but hey, it was sweet.

"Hey," I said.

"Hey," he responded.

We both remained silent, and I bit my lip trying to conceal my stupid smile.

I was so freaking whipped by this boy.

"So," he finally said. "What are you up to?"

I sighed. "Well right now I'm about to descend into Armageddon. Family dinner happening tonight."

He chuckled. "Sounds intense."

"Oh it will be," I said.

All of us in one place wasn't going to end well.

"You up for it?" he asked.

"I don't have a choice," I replied. "Unless I want my grandmother to drag me downstairs and tie me to the chair."

He laughed. "Well good luck."

"Thanks, I'll need it."

"And Morgan?"


"Promise you'll call me if you need anything," he said.

I smiled. "I will."

I heard him grunt. "Morgan I'll call you later, a crazy person just hopped onto my back."

I laughed. "Ayana?"

"No, my mother," he deadpanned. "My mother just jumped on my back."

Aaron was much taller than his mom, and she was quite petite too so that wasn't too hard to picture.

"Hi Morgan!" I heard her say. "Aaron dear stop being selfish and put the phone on speaker."

I heard Aaron sigh. "Fine."

"Hi April," I laughed.

"Hi Morgan!" she said. "You should come over again."

I laughed. "I definitely will."

It was so odd how I could talk to her like I had met her in the school hallway, yet it was nice.

"Okay, Morgan's got to go no-" Aaron began but was cut off.

"Who are we talking to?" another voice came, which I assumed was his sister.

"Oh Aaron's girlfr-"

"Okay and this is where we hang up!" Aaron interrupted his mom. "I'm taking it off Flower you may not get on my back too...the hell does that even mean? Speak, please get off me..."

I was full on laughing right now at their banter. They seemed like such a happy family I couldn't help but crave what they had.

"Everything okay?" I laughed.

"Girls are a handful to live with," he remarked. "But yes, everything's fine."

A knock came at my door and Maisie poked her head in through the opening. "Morgan, you better come down."

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