Chapter 13

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Time had gone fast you were now 4, Ciel 5 and Elizabeth 3 you thought 'only five more years I'll be 9 almost 10 and Ciel 10, I want to save them I do but then the whole black butler story goes away ugh why do they have to die!' you were having a small rant in your head as you were in fencing lessons under your mask you had an annoyed expression. The teacher said "point!" and pointed to you when they did you stopped and went over shaking the persons hand, Ciel clapped you smiled 'he's so nice, I want to keep this some part at least so around me he can smile a real smile' you thought "you did great!" you heard the other kid say.

You took your mask off and said "thanks!" you smiled "WHAT!" was all you could hear from those who hadn't fought, you yet you'd walked in with the mask on Ciel said "(name) is one of the best because her mother father and older brother teach her" the teacher nodded and said "yes that's right" 'and those extra lessons paid off, and not to mention using the eyes on Edward' you thought. You sat by Ciel "are you ok?" you asked him something seemed off he looked and shook his head saying "no I'm ok, but you did really well you're going to be like aunt Francis!" you giggled saying "yeah she's really strong but I won't be as scary, or people won't want to talk to me and be friends with me" you looked down remembering your so-called best friend and what they did.

Ciel saw the sad look and wondered why you seemed so sad about, he pulled you to a hug you looked up "Ciel?" you asked. He said "you seemed sad and needed a hug" 'I don't know much about past Ciel apart from the small bit that we see in the manga and book of Atlantic movie, but this him cannon or not is kind and I want to protect this Ciel for as long as I can' you thought and hugged back soon the lesson was over.

You had changed for now you where the only girl in the class not that you mind, you'd said you'd take this class only if Ciel could there was no way you'd take it alone you'd have Ciel with you. Soon you and Ciel wherein the carriage you were staying overnight at Ciel's, it was a nice change, you looked out the window 'its been 4 years and I'm still not used to this, I miss my phone and cars and things!' you thought you soon arrived at the Phantomhive manor. Tanaka helped you out "thanks Tanaka!" you smiled at him he smiled and said "it is no trouble" you smiled and got an idea "oh Tanaka can I ask you something?" you asked he chuckled and said "you just did" you giggled saying "I know, but can you teach me Japanese, I really want to learn it and I might go to Japan one day and if I do I can then speak it" Tanaka seemed to be thinking for a moment then nodded.

You smiled and hugged him he hugged back smiling like Ciel you had him in the palm of your hand "well start lessons soon when I can" he told you, you smiled going in following Ciel in. you could act like a lady when needed but around Ciel Ran Tanaka and some others you where your old self your true self, the new you a lady was a mask you used to keep people at arm's length but also to see if they could be trusted. You went to Ciel and played you enjoyed getting to just be a kid again worry about doing well in lessons and just playing also the work was easy. In your dreams, death had been helping teach you some things to help like hand to hand combat and things, the basics for now since in the future you'd be able to take lessons and you didn't wanna be too far ahead.

Rachel saw you and waved you ran over hugging her you did that with both Rachel and Vincent she knelt and asked: "so how was your lesson today in fencing?" Ciel came over giving a scene for scene replay saying how you won every match. you got a little embarrassed about that Rachel chuckled "well I'm glad you both did so well, I know how about for pudding we have chocolate cake" she watched you and Ciel you both gasped nodding 'ok any age I will be a sucker for sweets' you thought. she chuckled at this so glad Ciel had someone who he loved to be around and as he got older, someone to protect like Vincent dose with her but she couldn't see her Ciel doing what Vincent dose.

You and Ciel spent hours playing then had dinner after a bath and bed 'why do I think somethings gonna happen tomorrow, that I forgot to add to my list when death let me add things?' you thought. Oh, how right you where the next day one of the maids woke you up you let a cute yawn go and changed with there help hair up in (pigtails or ponytail). once happy you went down for breakfast when eating breakfast Vincent said "when you two are finished I have something to show you" you and Ciel looked at each other wondering what it was.

After breakfast you and Ciel followed Vincent around the back of the manor you soon saw a small shed or something coming into view 'I wonder what that thing is?' you wondered. Ciel made a point of holding your hand any time like this he did you soon saw it was a stable. it then hit you horses, horse riding 'I FORGOT TO ADD BE ABLE TO RIDE A BLOODY HORSE!' you screamed in your mind and there was no spare spaces left over to add that, and death had told you 10 was the limit no more than that you cursed yourself to forget something like that

"(name), (name)" Vincent called out to you and you looked at him he knelt "are you ok?" he asked you nodded and said "yeah!" you smiled he smiled back. he went ahead Ciel squeezed your hand "its ok, I'm here" he told you looking at you it made you feel a little better. yes, you'd seen horses in the past seen the ones at home, but you'd never actually rode one and at this point in time you couldn't remember if you ever actually rode one properly in the past. you and Ciel went over Vincent said "you two will be taking riding lessons soon, but today your going to meet them and pick yours out" "why is (name) picking one? if she lives with aunt Francis and uncle Alexis" he asked confused Vincent said "there may be a time she comes here for lessons, and might stay so she has a horse here to use so today you two are going to meet them" he led you both in.

You looked at each horse 'he'll likely give us older ones to learn to ride, or something no way he'd give us both one that's just old enough to ride right?' you thought after the short tour you got to pick them out. Vincent gave you both a choice of them "you first" you heard Ciel say and looked at him, he said "you pick first" Vincent nodded and smiled knowing Ciel remembered the lesson he gave him. which was a gentleman lets a lady chose first as it's polite you nodded and looked at them, you decided to let one pick you which was gonna be a lot easier.

You stood still and held your hand up the horses sniffed it but nothing yet, soon one did you looked and said "this one!" Vincent said "good choice, now what will their name be?" you thought and said "(horse name)" they neighed. Vincent chuckled and said "well they like the name" you smiled Ciel soon picked his horse and named them. Vincent called you and Ciel over you both went over he knelt "now this is a new rule, you two are not to come here alone at all unless me, Rachel, Tanaka or another adult is with you as it can be dangerous, do you two understand?" he had told you in a very serious voice "yes father/uncle Vincent!" you and Ciel told him. you understood why he said this as horses could be dangerous, and you and Ciel were only 4 and 5 so could get badly hurt, you were unsure if this was something to look forward to or not but you knew that ladies needed to learn and nobles should know. you just hoped it would go well and you didn't fall and get badly hurt or Ciel didn't get hurt.

 you just hoped it would go well and you didn't fall and get badly hurt or Ciel didn't get hurt

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(Your horse yes it's a curly it's something different and unique)

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